Official award ceremony takes place at the Presidential Palace on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the formation of the RA Armed Forces
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia, President Serzh Sargsyan awarded over two hundred military servicemen and freedom fighters with the highest awards of the Republic of Armenia, medals and orders, and bestowed on them high military ranks for the courage manifested in defending the borders of the Fatherland, valor, boundless dedication, as well as for their contribution to the army building and enhancement of the battle readiness of the troops.
As the Information and Public Relations Department of the RA President’s Office informed Panorama.am, the President of Armenia congratulated the servicemen and the freedom fighters on the occasion of the holiday and on receiving high state awards.
Congratulatory remarks of the RA President Serzh Sargsyan addressed to the awardees is as follows:
“Dear Awardees,
I congratulate you on the occasion of the Army Day and on the receiving the Fatherland’s high awards and ranks.
We are grateful to you for the enormous work you have done and which is called the service to the Fatherland. First, we shall commemorate those immortals who are being awarded today posthumously. We, as a nation, stand by the parents who raised these heroes and send to their families the words of compassion and support.
Those boys fell defending their families, their friends and us all. They fell so that Armenia can live, so that aspirations of our people live on and become a reality. They became immortals and together with us will continue the millennia-long and incessant march of the Armenian nation.
I congratulate those present in this hall and those who in our Armed Forces carry on with the dedicated work of their fallen brothers in arms. Be aware that the Fatherland trusts you and believes in you. We are proud of you; you are the worthy sons of our nation, the power and reliance of our people.”