What Aliyev said at the simultaneous press conferences yesterday was less dangerous for us than what the RA Prime Minister said. Vahe Hovhannisyan, an expert on “Alternative projects group” wrote about this in his article.

He also noted. “The views of official Yerevan were voiced, which are extremely dangerous, without prospects, and leading our country to tragedy.
That press conference is the dividing line: are we a group or a society, do we have dignity or not, do we keep the state or not? All public figures should answer this question individually. The hiding limit has expired.
The state and yesterday’s press conference of the head of state is not incompatible. Either the leader or the state should not be there. This should be delivered to every citizen. This is an election in which we must participate.
The first necessary steps are:
An open session of the opposition factions, in front of the cameras, with the participation of the leaders. We must answer the Aliyev-Pashinyan couple. The acting prime minister formulated all the dangerous approaches for Armenia in the news of the world. The time of closed, narrow composition and other formats has passed. Now everything goes with open cards. The people, allies, neighbors and the enemy should see that there is another, the opposite point of view in Yerevan (and in nature), there are also other approaches to de-escalation of the situation, another vision to solve the problems in our region. This is of vital importance for the state. Only the titular opposition can formulate a comprehensible institutional point of view for the world, contrary to the government’s point of view. The non-standard situation requires the individual and united clear position and action plan of all the opposition MPs and leaders.
Public impeachment process. this government says: I cannot guarantee your safety. Therefore, it no longer has the right to be a government. All public layers should be involved in the process of demanding the formation of a new government. this should become the atmosphere of Armenia. Any public figure should no longer be shunned, there can be no more opportunity to hide.
Yesterday’s press conference essentially canceled the results of the last parliamentary elections, because yesterday the opposite of what the same person said when asking the people for votes before the elections was said. Therefore, there are all moral and logical grounds for the involvement of Nikol’s electorate in the removal of the current government. And there is an imperative to verify the point of view of each of the CP deputies individually.
Yesterday, Aliyev and Nikol voiced simultaneously and openly their visions that are a threat to the Armenian state. After yesterday, there is only one political agenda in Armenia: the formation of a new government. The whole air must be electrified with this idea. The rest is complicity.