Former Minister of State of Artsakh Ruben Vardanyan wrote on the occasion of Republic Day:

“On May 28, we celebrate the birth of the First Republic, the 105th anniversary. But this day is also about seeing and revaluing the path we have passed, the difficulties we have endured, the ways to overcome them. We built a state thanks to the heroic battles of May. We fought against an enemy who was many times superior to us in numbers, forces, and weapons. We fought and built our state. We fought because not fighting would be destructive. We fought, putting aside our differences and contradictions and uniting around the idea of having a state. That is why I often repeat that today’s situation is Sardarapat: either we find the strength to fight together, or the consequences are disastrous for all of us.
We are the descendants of the builders of the First Republic. We are also the descendants of the participants of the movement that stood up and fought for Artsakh 35 years ago.
As 105 years ago and as 35 years ago, we must defend ourselves, and we must be able to defend ourselves not only at the borders, but also in the diplomatic arena. We avoid assessing the situation, they avoid listening to sober estimates. We lack intelligent leaders who will be able to provide acceptable conditions or solutions in the negotiations, not to completely give in to ultimatums, which will be based on the vital interests of our state and people.
This day is also a day of appreciation of the state and statehood. The state interest should be above the current interests of individuals, parties, and different teams. We must learn to look at time in terms of 20, 50, 100 years and act according to the logic of building a strong state.
I will summarize my message with Nzhdeh’s words. “Is it possible to use up the content of May 28 with words? No, no, no one will succeed. That cherished date will symbolize the motherland and its independence, the motherland that will live like God more in the heart than in the brain…”