In this video filmed by soldiers of the Turkish army in the occupied town of Silopi Kurdish in Turkey, this group of soldiers called JOH and POH, are the Turkish death squads that killed hundreds of civilians while operating in Kurdish cities under curfew. A rough translation of what they sing is “Everything, every time, everywhere always the Turks on land and in the sky That we Turks -… We will never allow the Kurds to survive Silopi We will fight until at the end ….. we swear every place will remain a Turkish land. the ISIS (Islamic State) did is nothing compared to what we will do, we will kill all Kurds as we have slaughtered all the Armenians. Amen. “
Stéphane ©
This “Kurdistan” user is a PKK radical who is lying and incorrectly translated the speech to make people who want to protect their country’s territorial integrity look bad. Turkish forces have no problems with Kurds, it is PKK extremists who threaten to turn Turkey into another Syria that is a problem. PKK is not interested in peace. By the way, Kurds, like all various ethnic groups in Turkey, such a Lazs, Cherkezs, Balkan Ethnics (Albanians, Bosnians, Pomaks, Goranis) and actual Turkic peoples, are against PKK and seperatism.