There will be capitulation… That’s how I perceived Nikol Pashinyan’s message to the “respectable participants, dear people, and the international community” of the RA government session. He clearly said that there will be a peace agreement and it will be based on the written documents obtained at the highest levels. I think many people understand what the word “peace treaty” means for the country in this disgraceful situation. It’s the same capitulation, but already documented. The first phase of the capitulation took place the day after the surrender of Shushi. About three years after that, and I think until 2023. no “peace treaty” threatens us on November 9, we may enter the second, already documented stage of capitulation. That is, it is possible to sign a paper, which will be called “peace treaty”, but it will become the capitulation certificate of our Republic of Armenia. If you want, call it a certificate, a workbook of the current government of RA, a certificate of registration of the Zags with Azerbaijan… Call it whatever you want, but it will be a capitulation paper, and according to Pashinyan’s formulation, a written document obtained at the highest levels.
And now let’s turn to the practical side of Pashinyan’s statement. Of course, it is a bit difficult to imagine Pashinyan in action, but let’s try anyway. Ahavasik, he stomps into a big room where Aliyev and Putin are already waiting for him. He gives a light greeting, they offer him a chair, he sits down. Aliyev and Putin also sit after him… Well, you can imagine the degree of pride of the beloved Zhogjan… A long-legged “blonde” puts the blue folder in front of Nikol and points with a marker to the place where the Prime Minister will sign… Well, now it’s order, or our Prime Minister, What, he doesn’t know where to sign… Then they put the file in front of Aliyev. Aliyev gets scared and takes the pen… Pause… The directors catch Nikol’s famous look at that moment… He eats Aliyev with his eyes… Putin whispers in his ear to sign because Nikol is not mad. Finally signing. Pashinyan’s “zibar” is opening. It’s Putin’s turn… He smiles, then raises his eyebrows as if he’s doing something serious, but quickly signs the paper and gives it to the “blonde”: take it, dear girl, you’ll take it, you’ll put it in the drawer I showed you.
- Which shelf, Mr. President, you showed me so many shelves?
- Speak quietly, achchi, they will listen… In the shelf of hunting stories. Got it?
The next day, American newspapers will write that Putin killed two birds with one stone…
This concludes the practical aspect of Pashinyan’s statement about the signing of the “peace agreement”, but we understand that we still have to reach that day. And will we get there? Knowing Nikol Pashinyan, it is difficult to claim that any statement made by him will reach its logical destination or, in general, be implemented. Until now, what he said has been the opposite or has been forgotten. He said: I will not give, he gave, he said: we will win, we lost, he said: we will develop, we regressed, he said: we will be educated, we have become uneducated, he said: there will be investments, the investors ran away, he said the population will increase, the opposite has happened, he promised immigration, immigration kills. Come on and believe Nikoli that “a peace treaty will be signed”. I don’t know who, but I refuse to believe it. I’m almost sure
It even seems to me that Pashinyan doesn’t believe his statement either. Then listen to him. He says like the hero of a famous movie: I will go and water the flowers, and you… He gives us a task. “The RA government and the public should engage in daily creative work, building, reforming, creating good, strengthening the security system. We must not deviate for a single minute from the path of development, strengthening of Armenia and strengthening of our democracy.” In Armenian, this means: you continue to play your game and not notice how I sign your final capitulation. They said you are welcome here. It’s enough, how much you blew and occupied the people with nonsense. Both your peace and the peace treaty will be attached to your head. Resign, go…
Edik Andreasyan