Pashinyan takes fake compatriots with him to stage his “warm” receptions.

Artur Tovmasyan writes on his Facebook page:
The Armenian community in Moldova refused to meet… According to a reliable source, the patron of the meeting with the Armenian community in Chisinau was the RA Ambassador to Ukraine, Vladimir Karapetyan.
According to the same source, people representing the Moldovan community were recruited and transported by buses from Ukraine to Chisinau for a large rent. They were also given questions, most of which started with the words “Congratulations on your birthday, sir…”. The source also conveyed that the RA governor was the only one who, to the surprise of those present, walked around wearing a bulletproof vest. It seems that it was caused by two events that happened the previous day. a) Representatives of the Armenian community in Moldova sharply refused to meet with him; b) The NSS was informed that one of the members of the Moldovan community delegation was preparing an attack on it. Moreover, for the same reason, the governor ordered to cancel the meeting with the community for the same reason, fearing an attack, but changed his mind when CE President Charles Michel personally guaranteed that the delegation would include verified people, knowing in advance about Vladimir’s patronage. Now imagine the state of that creature, who takes fake compatriots with him to stage his “warm” receptions. To say more, this is not the first time, on May 11, 2022, the same scene was also staged in Assen, Netherlands.