MOSCOW, RUSSIA – OCTOBER 09: Edward Snowden (3rd R) receives the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence Award (SAAII) alongside UK WikiLeaks journalist Sarah Harrison (2nd R) who took Snowden from Hong Kong to Moscow and obtained his asylum and the United States government whistleblowers who presented the award (L-R) Coleen Rowley, Thomas Drake, Jesselyn Raddack and Ray McGovern on October 9, 2013 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Sunshinepress/Getty Images)
Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who revealed massive domestic surveillance by the National Security Agency (NSA), met recently in Moscow with three prominent US whistleblowers–Coleen Rowley, Thomas Drake, and Jesselyn Radack–and Ray McGovern, a former intelligence analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency. The clandestine meeting was held to present Snowden with the Sam Adams award, announced three months earlier.
Edward Snowden has been named recipient of this year’s award for truth telling given by Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, the group announced today. Most of the Sam Adams Associates are former senior national security officials who, with the other members, understand fully the need to keep legitimate secrets. Each of the U.S. members took a solemn oath “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” When secrecy is misused to hide unconstitutional activities, fealty to that oath — and higher duty as citizens of conscience — dictate support for truth tellers who summon the courage to blow the whistle. Edward Snowden’s disclosures fit the classic definition of whistle blowing.
Appearing later on Russia Today, Radack said Snowden “seemed very centered and brilliant, smart, funny, very engaged.” McGovern described Snowden as “an extraordinary person” with “no regrets.