Nikol Pashinyan asked the Kremlin to send CSTO troops to Armenia following the example of Kazakhstan,” the “Baza” telegram channel reported, citing its sources, according to the Ukrainian “Union”. The reason, according to those sources, is the mass protests carried out by the opposition in Yerevan and other cities on a daily basis, which frightened the country’s leader (Pashinyan, ed.). The information sheds quite an interesting light on the political image of Nikol Pashinyan, who is declared “democratic” by the “pro-Western” countries and the diplomatic structures of those countries operating in the Republic of Armenia. And so, according to the website, according to the source, on the eve of the CSTO summit in Moscow, Pashinyan sent an official request to the CSTO. “He came to Moscow to get guarantees from the members of the organization that if the situation in Yerevan develops according to the Kazakh scenario, then Russia, the other CSTO members will send troops, suppress the riots, and help Pashinyan stay in power. “It seems that a nationalist movement is currently gaining momentum in the country, which threatens the constitutional order of the state. Therefore, the necessary decision is to send a military contingent to Armenia,” the source said, adding that Pashinyan’s request was rejected. Moreover, according to that information, the president’s staff asked him to withdraw the request, otherwise they promised the Armenian side to officially remove it from the agenda. According to another source, after the presidential response, Pashinyan tried to get support directly from Vladimir Putin, but here he was rejected. The source noted that the Armenian leader waited for the meeting for five hours, but did not get approval to solve his problem with the help of the Russian military.