The daughter of the head of Kajaran community Manvel Paramazyan, Luiza, has recorded a video message about the unlawful prosecution launched against her father and unlawful actions by the law enforcement.
To remind, Paramazyan is currently held under detention charged with aiding or organizing fraud, vote buying and other election related offenses. Paramazyan denies the charges and dubs them as political persecution.
Paramazyan’s detention came as part of Pashinyan’s recent crackdown on heads of local communities who had actively supported the opposition during the pre-election period.
In the video Luiza insists the only reason for the detention of his father is that he had other political views than the ruling regime.
“During the recent 44-day war my father was defending our borders. He was fighting till the end. And what we have got in return. The authorities of Armenia gave a special and unlawful order to arrest my father. By doing so they hoped to silence him and many other patriots of my homeland,” Luiza said, calling for the international community for support to prevent the campaign launched by the authorities to silence and intimidate the opposition members.