Avetis Babajanyan
Pashinyan and his Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan are shedding crocodile tears, declaring that by closing the Lachin Corridor and cutting Artsakh’s connection with the outside world, Azerbaijan’s goal is to depopulate Artsakh.

“This unquestionably demonstrates Azerbaijan’s policy towards the Artsakh Armenians, that is, to make it impossible for them to live in their own homeland. For about a year and a half, Azerbaijan has been trumpeting that it won a glorious victory in the 44-day war of 2020, but everything shows that the fact that after so much suffering and deprivation, 117 thousand of Armenians are living in Artsakh right now, at this very moment, Azerbaijan considers its biggest defeat, and the task is to do everything to finish the policy of ethnic cleansing in Artsakh,” Nikol Pashinyan announced even before the blockade of Artsakh. referring to Azerbaijan’s interruption of gas supply to Artsakh. Ararat Mirzoyan, during a meeting with the representative of the estranged country or an international organization, announced that Azerbaijan had set a problem to subject Artsakh to ethnic cleansing. An impression can be created that they are really concerned about the fate of Artsakh and the Artsakh Armenians and are not acting according to protocol to say something and create the impression of being busy with something.
As Artsakh is surrounded by Azerbaijan, it cannot undergo ethnic cleansing for now. Artsakh residents cannot leave Artsakh even if they want to. Meanwhile, as a result of the activities of Pashinyan and his government, Armenia is being emptied day by day. Pashinyan has turned Armenia into a disaster zone, from which the only way out is to flee quickly in order not to become another victim of Pashinyan. Many people say that the only way out of not becoming another victim of the butchery organized and managed by Pashinyan is to leave Armenia, and those who have already left are convinced of the truth of their choice by following what is happening in Armenia.
American sources claim that over the past two to two and a half years, 1,000-1,500 Armenians have been illegally moving to Los Angeles from Armenia for permanent residence. There are many intermediary groups operating in Armenia, which transport people to Mexico for 30-35 thousand dollars per person and cross the Mexico-US border from there. Law enforcement agencies of Armenia, including the National Security Service, are very well informed about the activities of these groups. Sometimes their members are arrested and released with equal success. Perhaps there is no formal crime in the actions of those people. they are almost like travel agents and help people travel across the United States without returning. Law enforcement agencies also receive their commission.
At the same time, the most efficient, most capable part of the country, the middle class, is leaving. People mostly leave with families of 3-5 people, and it’s not something for every person. People in the country remain poor and incompetent, devoid of initiative and creative innovation, who have either come to terms with the idea of the inevitability of disaster, or have started believing in a possible miracle out of hopelessness.
A man who announced that the population of Armenia should reach 5 million by 2050 is actually implementing such policies, as a result of which the country is intensively deprived of its citizens. Pashinyan is completely satisfied with such a perspective, because only poor, incompetent people who are willing to accept anything can tolerate his rule. If Pashinyan was really interested in the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh by Azerbaijan, he would not have done the same in the entire territory of Armenia. Meanwhile, Pashinyan does not need thinking and acting people. Especially since the incomes of Pashinyan and his government representatives do not decrease as a result of citizens’ departure, dram flows and circulation in the country increase. Armenian citizens are replaced by citizens of Russia, Iran, India and some Arab countries.
Avetis Babajanyan
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