When Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan dutifully meets with representatives of several non-parliamentary parties every month, and his press service dutifully distributes a message and a photo confirming the fact of the meeting, a discussion begins about the purpose of these meetings, and who they are for. represent those parties, and what effect they have. Many mock and mock the participants of the meeting, others explain it by Pashinyan’s desire to somehow fill his free time. Meanwhile, those meetings show the scale of the tragedy not only of the government, but also of the state, and reveal the true dimensions of Pashinyan’s public isolation.
Pashinyan, occupying the post of Prime Minister, understands that he has a problem with connection and relationship with the public, he, as the head of the state, should at least somehow communicate with the society of which he is considered the leader. It is an accepted order in the world when the heads of the state communicate with the representatives of different layers of the public in order not to isolate themselves from that same public and to have a feedback relationship with the public. All the former representatives of the government of Armenia communicated with the public in one way or another. Robert Kocharyan met with students or representatives of the intelligentsia, Serzh Sargsyan even sometimes spoke to the condos gathered near his house about their housing problems. And who can Nikol Pashinyan talk to? Can anyone imagine?
Pashinyan not only avoids but also fears public contact. He can speak to the members of his party, parliamentary faction or government. To people who only praise and glorify him, who won’t call him a murderer, Turk, traitor, capitulator or landlord, because they receive a salary from the state budget for their loyalty to Pashinyan and enjoy other privileges provided by the government. Pashinyan cannot meet intellectuals, church representatives, professors and students, merchants or farmers, dead or alive servicemen, their family members. Even the military commanders blame him for the murders and tragedies in the army.
Pashinyan used to visit marzes, before which the governors and heads of local power structures were instructed to carry out a special selection and bring verified and reliable people to the meetings in order to avoid unnecessary troubles. Now it has become impossible to organize such meetings. it is difficult to find reliable people, it is difficult to check people to the end and be sure that someone will not say what they think about Pashinyan and his government. Pashinyan knows that the Armenian public hates and disgusts him, and the only way not to feel that hatred and disgust is to isolate himself from the public.
The only place where Pashinyan feels safe, apart from his teammates, is the five-person format of the extra-parliamentary forces, whose members are fully vetted and reliable to the last person. Pashinyan knows that he can feel confident in the company of these people and not be afraid of insults and accusations. It is true that the parties included in that format used to be more, over time unreliable and suspicious ones appeared among them, who either left themselves or were removed so that Pashinyan would not have even the slightest concern about its course before the meeting.
For example, the chairman of “Ardar Armenia” party, Norik Norikyan, speaking about his participation in those meetings, wrote on his Facebook page: “Even if I made a mistake, that I participated in the meetings so disguised in the format of extra-parliamentary forces, let that be my biggest mistake in politics.” Trying to justify his participation in those meetings, he wrote: “I haven’t participated in those meetings since July 2022, and the purpose of my participation was exclusively to present conceptual issues to the current government in order to face the internal and external challenges facing the country in a difficult situation and to receive information about the country’s situation from the executive government.”
All those people who participated in the meetings with Pashinyan should understand that they were not just meetings for the exchange of information, participation in those meetings is cooperation with Pashinyan’s regime with political consequences arising from it. People have not forgotten how he personally congratulated Pashinyan after the disgraceful parliamentary elections of 2021 and announced in his presence that “a certain political crisis created after November 9, 2020 has been overcome”.
Well, we surrendered the territories, sacrificed the lives of thousands of Armenian soldiers, signed the capitulation, it’s over, it’s in the past. And it is not possible to cooperate with Pashinyan, after accepting and legitimizing his power, to announce what we have done to meet the internal and external challenges facing the country. And now why is he not participating in facing the challenges? Are there no more challenges or has Pashinyan himself decided that Norikyan can no longer participate in facing challenges?
Pashinyan has these 5 people outside of his government, with whom he can sit quietly in the same room, talk, take photos without fearing that these people will say what they really think about him, and he will present it as public communication. Looking at the photos being spread and the tense faces of the participants of the meeting, it can be seen that superhuman efforts are required from them to restrain themselves and not to express what they think about Pashinyan. But as long as they are able to restrain themselves due to certain personal interests, Pashinyan can present these meetings as a successful and safe means of public communication.
Avetis Babajanyan
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