In Pashinyan’s April 24th address, the words “Turkey” and “Turk” were missing, there is no call or exhortation to recognize the Genocide, no mention of Turkish denial, the phrase “Armenian Genocide” was used only once, and that was in the non-existent Ottoman Empire, which seems to have never existed. has nothing to do with Turkey.

The message was made in such a way that it would not suddenly offend, upset the Turkish authorities, or give them a reason to abandon the settlement of Armenian-Turkish relations, which the RA authorities and Pashinyan himself have been talking about and dreaming about for a long time, but they have not been able to realize that dream. And the next day, Pashinyan used the words “Mets ekhern” in a tweet.
The whole meaning of the message of the 24th is to turn denial into state policy, to free Turkey from the responsibility of the Genocide. Pashinyan claims a priori that those who go to the Genocide Memorial are concerned about 2 questions. why the Armenian Genocide took place, which Pashinyan calls the “Great Genocide” more acceptable to Turks, and what should be done to prevent its repetition. It turns out that 108 years after the Genocide, the Armenian society still does not have the answer to these questions. The Armenian society learned a long time ago, 108 and more years ago, that the goal of Turkey and even before that of the Ottoman Empire was to deprive the Armenian people of their homeland, to take over their historical homeland by massacring and physically destroying the Armenians, and this policy continues even today. Even today, Turkey and Azerbaijan continue to push Armenians out of their historical homeland, the captured and Turkified settlements of Hadrut, Shushi, Martun, Martakert are the clearest evidence of this. The occupation of the territories of Teghi, Sotki, Nerkin Hand and other settlements of Armenia is happening before our eyes.
Avetis Babajanyan