None of the procession accompanying him dares to contradict; everyone admires and approves of the insults addressed. For example, you look at the obedience and, at the same time, the expression of concern and pity on the face of the minister of KGSM, who always accompanies the prime minister. “Is it worth humiliating yourself to such an extent for money?”

Not being a specialist, when I follow the visits of the so-called prime minister to the regions, looking at his facial expression with the most significant discomfort and listening to his words with the same discomfort, I regret that I am not a psychologist. I cannot give a scientific, accurate description of what kind of psychological syndrome he is suffering from. However, I will try to present with my observations, in an amateur way, what kind of psychological syndromes are characteristic of the prime minister and his subjects.
I have known today’s prime minister since the late 90s. Thus, our acquaintance remained just an acquaintance, never becoming a warmer friendship or partnership. There is such an apt saying. One asks the other:
- What is your brother like?
The answer follows.
- I don’t know, I haven’t made friends with him.

Sometimes, as in the fight for the A1+ TV station, we were and acted as if we were like-minded, but I repeat again, I did not make friends with him.
When I was the editor of the “Haykakan Zhamanak” newspaper, I heard a lot of negative things about him: love of money, dishonesty, gossip, but I didn’t take those stories for granted. My first serious disappointment happened in 2008, not because he treated himself, but because he pretended to be Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s number one fan. Many people, including some of my friends, also supported Levon Ter-Petrosyan in 2008, and because of this, our company was not disrupted. And I was disappointed with today’s prime minister after his aggressive attitude and cursing towards the people of Artsakh. In hindsight, it seemed to me, a simpleton, that he changed his point of view on Artsakh and separated himself from Levon Ter-Petrosyan. Like me, he misled many others, first by writing the “Great Confusion” series of articles, and later by several times speaking against unilateral territorial concessions in the Artsakh issue.
He lied and deceived everyone to gain power.
However, becoming the prime minister and in office, being in the center of everyone’s attention, he revealed his true character. The first swallow was flooding the streets of the republic with his “wise” words. On the one hand, this was an attempt to please the people, typical of many tyrants, and on the other hand, it was the first attempt at self-assertion. The second was the public humiliation of the customs officer.
This was already the first step of self-affirmation at the expense of humiliating others, which shows his small-mindedness, cruelty and human, or rather, anti-human complexes. It is not a great courage to be the number one official of the country, surrounded by bodyguards and shouting hysterically at an ordinary employee of the customs office. why didn’t he recognize himself, the all-knowing prime minister, and didn’t stand in front of him sensitively?
Later, this way of working continued purposefully, at the expense of humiliating the people, to assert themselves. Let’s remember the grandmother kissing the Prime Minister’s feet, the grandfather blessing the Prime Minister on the Genocide Memorial Day, the one pouring water from the back of the Prime Minister’s car in Artsakh, the woman saying “don’t leave us alone” and other similar performances. The heroes of all these performances – grandparents – women – men – children, played their assigned secondary roles for appropriate remuneration. He and his wife, the prime minister suffering from Lady Macbeth syndrome, did not even hesitate to humiliate the parents of the victims of the war they instigated and lost. And, unfortunately, this time too, many relatives of the victims gave in to the temptation of money and were photographed next to the prime minister with smiles on their faces.
Later, it turned out that the prime minister doesn’t really have any close friend, colleague, or associate. He treats all his party members, ministers, governors as his subjects, nazirs, viziers, and internal affairs. This is evidenced by his insistence that all the above-mentioned figures post his portrait in their private rooms, stand up as soon as he appears, even in case of removal from office, in public thank you. And those “friends” have come to terms with their roles, which is called humiliation for money. And friends, like-minded people are not treated like that. Friendship is a high concept that implies equality between friends, devotion and in no case, a friend exploitation, use and humiliation. Involuntarily, I remembered Alexandre Dumas’ “Three Musketeers” and Erich Maria Remarque’s “Three Friends”, ode-novels dedicated to the company.
For the same self-affirmation, the prime minister is trying to humiliate his opponents, instructing his subordinate law enforcement agencies to prepare criminal cases and bring charges against them or their relatives. Unfortunately, it should be noted that he sometimes succeeds in this matter. Many figures “went to the bottom of the water” after the accusations and no longer make a noise. Some, as they say, “changed their religion”, becoming one of its subjects, like sworn PAP member Sergey Bagratyan and Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan. Some adapted to the situation, “forgetting” their prison sufferings, like the mayors of Goris and Kajaran, Arush Arushanyan and Manvel Paramazyan. These persons, in my opinion, will be subjected to double humiliation.