In order to once again expose Nikol’s lie and forgery and present it to the public, I decided to respond paragraph by paragraph to the Facebook post of Nikol Pashinyan, who is clinging to the position of Prime Minister of Armenia. It is dedicated to the so-called citizen’s day. And in order not to post the latter’s post in this text, I am giving its link .

Response to the first paragraph. The people of Armenia cannot be Nikol’s favorite, because in order to hand over Artsakh to the enemy, as was revealed in the autumn of 2019 during the Lapshin-Hokhikyan conversation, Nikol would not go for its implementation at the cost of sacrificing several thousand victims. That’s one thing, and secondly, RA citizens can’t even theoretically be proud today, because Supreme Commander Nikol, who suffered a shameful defeat in the war, nullified the pride that really existed before. As for the so-called democratic nature of our country, that same people or, as Nikol puts it, the collective of citizens could theoretically be the only source and bearer of power, if in fact the three branches of power: parliamentary, executive and judicial, the entire system was not centralized by Nikol. in his hand.
Response to the second paragraph. what the so-called popular, non-violent, velvet revolution of 2018 was like is known to everyone who is more or less familiar with the Armenian reality, has more or less literacy and the ability to analyze what he has read, seen and heard. As for not falsifying national or local level elections, the falsifications of the June 20, 2021 vote were submitted to the RA Constitutional Court. But since the electoral fraud committed many times in Armenia was never officially accepted under the previous ones, it was not accepted in the case of Nikol’s prime ministership either. Regarding the local elections, I should say that they are not manifestations of the free will of the voters, but a disgrace in the truest sense of the word. Exactly as presented by H. K. In Andersen’s fairy tale “The King’s New Clothes”. But, unlike the child in the fairy tale, there was not the only brave person in the corridors of the Ukrainian government who would report the election scandal, shouting “Nikol is lying”. I do not give examples, because the readers of “Hraparak” must be familiar with them.
Response to the third paragraph. in the previous paragraph, it was stated that if the free expression of the voters was “one of the primary and key goals” of the 2018 change of government, then we can record that it was completely defeated. As for the absence of political prisoners in Armenia, there were none during the previous era either. And he himself was not a political prisoner, but a criminal. Another issue is that after the change of power in 2018, the legal formulation was changed in terms of him and others. In terms of today’s political prisoners who are behind bars as criminals, the same will naturally happen after he is removed from power. As for the expression of thoughts and ideas and the freedom of information in general, everyone can assess its real state. Who would ever devote a day to watching Public Television programs? A structure that is fed by money paid from taxpayers’ pockets and should theoretically represent the entire society.
Response to the fourth paragraph. Another attempt to blame the “disastrous failures of the 44-day war and its aftermath” on the opponents is false, like all his activities. If these disasters had happened, as he says, “because of the lack of democracy, legality, free civil debate and the existence of taboos and stereotypes”, then in the four days preceding the 44-day war only 4 years ago, we would not have forced Ilham to ask Moscow for a cease-fire. So, the greatest failure of our people was not not overcoming taboos and stereotypes, but bringing them to power through a street movement just 2 years after the victorious four-day event. It was our mistake that was worse than the crime, as the French jurist Antoine Boule de la Mert said back in the early 19th century. And if we hadn’t made the biggest mistake in a while, then today we would have what existed in the days of the former. And it wouldn’t have been what we “got” thanks to Nicole’s administration.
H. C. I will not comment on the last two paragraphs, because they contain, first, the repetition of what has already been said. for example, the “justification” of pride that doesn’t really exist. And then, an effort to appear smarter than you really are.
Vakhtang Siradeghyan