Let’s listen to the children, teach them independent life skills, and make the best interest of the child a priority. The ombudsman’s message on the occasion of World Children’s Day
“Each of us must make every effort to leave a legacy of a better country for our children, where every decision will be based on the best interests of the child. November 20 is World Children’s Day, hence the opportunity to raise the issues facing children.
We will only succeed if we create a dignified inclusive environment tailored to the child’s needs, identify the child’s abilities, teach independent living skills, listen to and respect the child’s opinion. Parents, the state, and society must work together to help each other along this vital path.
Children in child care and special care institutions also need our daily attention.
We have a greater responsibility to them to ensure a safe and prosperous life.
I have always said that the best environment for a child is not to live and be raised in a family. Therefore, family needs assessment and state support should be targeted and follow-up. A child returning home from an institution should feel the support of the state on his or her back.
The COVID-19 epidemic, the war, the shootings in the border areas of our country, and the atmosphere of tension have had a devastating effect on children (displaced, out-of-school children, etc.). Eliminating the consequences will still require local work. The staff of the RA Human Rights Defender is also carrying out consistent work in that direction.
By guaranteeing the rights of children to the fullest extent possible, we are creating a stronger, more inclusive society with higher values. ”