1. They fooled Armenians during WWI by telling them that Mother Russia was here to save them from the Turks and then completely withdrew because of the 1917 Russian Revolution leaving Armenians helpless (they could have left a few troops if they were genuine);
2. Stalin gave gold and arms to the Turks in 1918 to allow Ataturk to take Masis and invade Eastern Armenia;
3. Stalin then invaded Armenia in 1918 as well, to subjucate Armenians for 7 decades and try and destroy the Armenian Church with Communism;
4. Stalin also amended the Armenian SSR boundary in 1922 to give Artsakh to the Azeris (and Nakhchivan) – but this was just a provincial boundary and when the Soviet Union fell it had no legal meaning as the collapse of Soviet law gave the right to self-determination and independence to Armenia, Azerbaijan… and Artsakh (Artsakhpress.am);
5. Russia then stopped the Armenia in the 90s when the Armenians had beaten the Azeris and could have gone all the way to Baku to force a peace treaty which would have saved countless lives lost in the past 25 years; and
6. Russia today arms the Azeris and the Turks, while ‘defending’ Armenia and influencing the Armenian people with pervasive propoganda against the West – as if Russia is Armenia’s only option as a ‘friend’.
US sanctions against Russia ‘in Armenia’s interests’ – analyst Levon Shirinyan
The United States’ move to enforce fresh sanctions against Russia gives absolutely no ground for concern, especially to Armenia, according a Yerevan-based political analyst.
Speaking to Tert.am, Levon Shirinyan described the Trump administration’s recent decision as an attempt to ‘constrain Russia’s appetite’.
“Russia’s expansionist appetite is really big, as they want to seize Donbass, Ukraine and Armenia,” he said, blaming the country also for provoking repeated hostilities between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
“With those sanctions now, the United States are making attempts to moderate that appetite,” Shirinyan added.
The expert said he also sees Russian attempts to establish dominance over Armenia through soft power. “While they now propose giving Russian a state language status, sometime in the future, they may urge us to change also our religion. That’s a Russian style of acting, a way of seizing [Armenia],” he noted.
Good argument Administrator, and I agree with you, Armenia should plan this properly and join European Union and NATO in a phased withdrawal from Russian support in the long run, however don’t think Russia will just stand by and watch, they will start a war with Armenia as they did with Georgia and Ukraine. Therefore playing to 2 or 3 masters may be their best bet, as Putin is a chess master / warmonger, while Europe has enough problems with refugees and Trump is arrogant and unreliable. As you said it is a dangerous area, so as pawns, we will have to think hard and go slow, taking decisive steps that will guarantee and ensure our future! We can’t win against war on all 3 sides !
I agree totally we are just asking Armenian authorities to start thinking for long run divorce, we have tried for 100 year. as far as Georgia the have Disputed territory with Georgia. thank you