Low prices for medical services attract more and more foreigners to Armenia as every tenth tourist comes to the country to improve their health, MIR 24 TV channel said in a story about medical tourism in Armenia.
The quality of medical care meets international standards, the channel said.
The report centers around Arusyak Gedekyan, who came to Armenia for the first time to see the country of her ancestors and go to the dentist for a bite correction.
“About 40% of our patients are foreigners, most of them from Georgia, Russia and China,” orthodontist Haykush Aleksanyan said.
The glory of Armenian plastic surgeons is also transmitted through word of mouth, the story said.
“One satisfied patient for recommends friends or relatives. An important role is played by social networks – a beautiful face is the best advertisement. Tourists mainly travel to Armenia in spring and summer. Many clinics have even begun to organize special tours which include airline tickets, accommodation and medical services. Now they are planning to add excursions around the country too,” the story concludes.