Edik Andreasyan
“I say officially, there is no Washington project, there is no Western project. There is an Azerbaijani draft of the peace treaty,

which was transferred to the Armenian side, on which the Armenian side worked during this time, the work has been completed, and there will be a discussion about it at the upcoming meeting,” RA Ambassador with Special Assignments Edmon Marukyan said on Channel One. He is lying.
Let me say more, by abusing his position, Edmon Marukyan commits official fraud and should be held criminally liable. The point is that the so-called Azerbaijani draft of the peace treaty is nothing more than a document negotiated in Brussels meetings, coordinated with the US foreign policy centers. You can ask the CSTO, which discussed the project in Washington and NATO. If Azerbaijan was the first to publish the 5-point draft of the peace treaty, it still does not mean that Baku did it without coordinating with Ankara and Washington.
Edmon Marukyan, allowing an official fake, fills the brains of the Armenians with a rumor that the Armenian side worked on the “Azerbaijani version” of the peace agreement. It’s lying. The Armenian side did not work on that option. The Armenian side has declared that it is in favor of all 5 points of that project and has only one pitiful point to add, by which, if I am not mistaken, the Artsakh Armenians were considered as an ethnic minority without any status.
Has the Armenian side discussed the “Azerbaijani version” of the peace treaty with its ally? Edmon Marukyan is silent about it. Meanwhile, this is very important to understand why the President of the Russian Federation called the “Azerbaijani version” Washington’s “Azerbaijani version” during the plenary session of the Valdai Club and clearly stated that with it Artsakh comes under the sovereignty of Azerbaijan. I wouldn’t say that the Russian side found out about the “Azerbaijani version” by accident and didn’t know what kind of trouble Armenia was in Brussels and Prague. Perhaps it was time to make everyone, including Armenia, understand that Artsakh is not Azerbaijan and no one will be able to close this issue without agreeing with Moscow.
Edmon Marukyan lies by saying: “There is a Russian project. The Prime Minister said that it was presented in September and the Armenian side agreed to those proposals.” First of all, decide, Edmon, did the Russian side propose a project or proposals for the settlement of the issue? These are different things. And then why do we learn only on October 27 that the Russian version of the peace treaty was presented to us at the beginning of September? Why did Pashinyan keep it a secret, why was it kept a secret even from the ambassador with special assignments? Now, do I have the right to think that Pashinyan spoke about it after Putin’s collision only after realizing that the ground shook under his chair?
Edmon Marukyan nevertheless admits that there are Western (now Washingtonian) proposals. “The Russian Federation suggests that the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem be postponed. The Armenian side responded positively. And the oral proposal of the West is that an international mechanism should be created between the representatives of NK and Azerbaijan and negotiations should take place under their observation regarding the issues of rights, security, and freedoms of Armenians living in NK.” This is not a simple manipulation by Edmon Marukyan, but a political slyness, with which he tries to justify the policy of the RA authorities to finally withdraw from Artsakh. He says that Armenia has agreed to Russia’s proposals regarding postponing the Artsakh issue, but he does not say anything about whether Armenia agrees or not. to the western project by which Artsakh passes under the sovereignty of Azerbaijan and protects the rights of Artsakh Armenians only through its representative. According to Edmon Marukyan, Azerbaijan is against both options, but does not say anything about Armenia, which also agreed to the second option – the final destruction of the subjectivity of Artsakh.
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