BREAKING: Earlier today, in the village of Acharkut, Tavush region, the wife of the Prime Minister of Armenia Anna Hakobyan made an appearance to honor the birthday of Davit Shahnazaryan, a young soldier who died during the 44-day war.

During this, Hakobyan began making controversial statements related to the war including 11,000 soldiers who deserted their posts during the war, a number which has only been cited in the past by Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev following the war. “Not a single person deserted our Army. According to the latest information, there were not 10,000 but 11,000 deserters in the Armenian army,” said President Ilham Aliyev Hakobyan continued by stating in addition to the 11,000 deserters, the majority of men (500,000 to 1 Million) in Armenia did not volunteer to serve during the war, and that she, a woman, did so in order to show men the need for volunteers.