Ani Arakelyan

A person’s face says everything about him. There are very rare exceptions, when a literate, kind, sensitive being is hidden under a cruel and uneducated face, a dull look and a dark exterior. Usually, educated people have delicate features, intelligent people have intelligent eyes, kind people have soft facial expressions and friendly and caring people smile, and have soft looks. Have you noticed that if a beautiful girl is dumb and illiterate, her beauty doesn’t captivate you, and an ugly, but literate and intelligent person always looks likable, no matter how much he is not endowed with good-looking features by nature?
Now look at the photos of today’s authorities with this prism. Here are the ranks of the “Citizen Agreement” faction of the National Assembly. those who don’t say anything, vague looks with eyes radiating cruelty and indifference, stupid and incomprehensible faces that don’t evoke sympathy, every time you look at them you wonder what’s on the mind of this person who appeared in this hall with the will of one person and one mission, pressing a button at the moment of need to press.
Now open the messages-photos about the meetings of the RA government and look at the faces of the members of the government. cold, emotionless, frightened looks, with one mindset: no one to say anything, no one to ask anything, sit down, the session is over, go to their offices and enjoy their lot… “the grass” as the famous song says.
Now let’s look at one more thing. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has visited X marz or Yerablur, or is he on some ceremonial occasion. At some point, they started welcoming him and escorting him in a big procession. Someone probably said that it is a sign of strength, power, prime ministership.
And here, the RA Prime Minister approaches, a line of people greets him or his wife or any minister. Look at the faces of the greeters, a group of ugly, cruel, indifferent and uncommunicative people. Another image shows a line of people accompanying Nikol Pashinyan. they buy some workshop or some factory, or a farm, or a newly built garden, as a message to the public about the economic rise. The line of those following Pashinyan resembles a procession of Shked-republic students, a theater troupe or a line of convicts who have finished serving their sentence and have just been released from the fortress, or a group of ordinary spectators who happened to come to a street show. These vagrants of different body and weight, different social status, different educational level, and very different mental and intellectual levels best characterize these authorities.
To this group of random people who did not understand what the government is, what is the management of the state, and who should have what role in the hierarchy of the state. They have understood only one thing: they are nothing, the one who is going in front of them is everything, because they can become nothing again every minute with the will of that one who is going in front of them. Even the one in front of them can become nothing at any minute if the stars align accordingly.
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