Since 2020, Pashinyan’s policy of “handing over territories so as not to allow escalation, to have no new victims” is showing cracks and collapsing.

The residents of Tegh village in Syunik state that they are ready to fight and make new sacrifices, just to protect the land of their grandfathers and grandchildren. After the 44-day war, by open and non-public orders of Pashinyan, territories from Armenia were continuously ceded to Azerbaijan without resistance. Pashinyan explains the lack of resistance by the concern of not giving victims and saving people’s lives, he tries to convince that for him the life of an Armenian person is of greater value than the Armenian land, it is better to hand over the land piecemeal than for people to fight and die for that land. : Pashinyan was convinced that the Armenian society would support his policy of handing over the homeland. because the society that lost more than 4 thousand victims in the 44-day war is not ready for new victims and sacrifices. This open capitulant and treacherous policy has started to meet tough resistance.
Local residents reveal the lies of Pashinyan and his subordinate NSS. Pashinyan lied, saying that there was no positional change and Armenia did not hand over territory, and the National Security Service lied, saying that the Azerbaijanis violated the agreement and came and positioned themselves in the Armenian territories, and now they are allegedly conducting negotiations to remove the Azerbaijanis from the Armenian territories. The local residents show the fields cultivated by them and the Azerbaijanis carrying out fortification works in those fields. They also cultivated those territories during Soviet Armenia, they were within the borders of Soviet Armenia, they have ownership certificates that they received during the privatization of land in 1991, and it’s not like they came under the control of Armenia as a result of the first Karabakh war. This refutes Pashinyan’s lie. that the Armenian side has no positional change or territorial loss. The local residents say that before the arrival of the Azerbaijanis and positioning themselves in their fields, the servicemen of the border guard troops of Armenia were also positioned, but far behind our real border. One of the villagers tells. “I saw that it was the border guard troops, they were digging a ditch, they were setting up a post. I stopped and asked: are you setting up this post, he said yes. I said: our border is there (points to the mountains visible in the distance), why are you setting up a post here? He said: dear Hopar, don’t ask us such questions. So they knew in advance, right?” The villager reveals that the NSS border guard troops were not surprised by the Azerbaijani advance, they knew in advance and agreed with the Azerbaijani side where the Armenian positions would be, and where the Azerbaijani ones were, they agreed in advance.
Why is Pashinyan lying by saying that there is no positional change or territorial concession? He understands that if he admits that Azerbaijan is getting territorial gains at the expense of Armenia, then the other fairy tale invented by him, that it is nothing that we ceded Artsakh to the enemy, the important thing is to ensure the security and integrity of Armenia’s 29.8 thousand square kilometers, will collapse. Now it is clear, isn’t it, that after ceding Artsakh, Pashinyan is also ceding Syunik. It’s just that, unlike Artsakh, which surrendered with war and casualties, Syunik is surrendering without war, piece by piece. The NSS records the progress of the Azerbaijanis, because it is impossible not to record, they cannot bury their heads in the sand and say that there was no territorial concession, as they said after the surrender of the Black Lake area, when they officially refused to accept it for a long time.
The two ideological pillars of Pashinyan’s government – “let’s give territory so that there are no victims” and “let’s give Artsakh to save at least 29.8 thousand square kilometers” – have collapsed. During the extraordinary parliamentary elections of 2021, the representatives of the government, as a counter-argument to protect Pashinyan, said: now that the opposition has come to power, it will bring back Shushi and Hadrut, thereby trying to convince the public that what we have lost, we have lost, without Pashinyan, one thing: it is not possible to bring those territories back, or there will be a war, and again territorial and human there will be losses, it is better to put up with the loss and live peacefully. It turned out that Pashinyan will not be satisfied with surrendering territories only through war and will continue to surrender. Even after the war, they said, “Why should we risk 3 million residents of the Republic of Armenia for 120,000 Artsakh citizens?” It’s clear, isn’t it, that in the case of Pashinyan’s government, not only the people of Artsakh, but also any RA citizen has no guarantee of safety, safety of his life and property, Turkish gangs can enter the territory of Armenia at any time and take possession of people’s property, and there is no one to protect it.
Armenia and the Armenian society are facing an ontological dilemma. either they put up with the existence of Pashinyan and his government and allow him to hand over the motherland in parts, keeping his power, or they save Armenia by removing Pashinyan. The advance of the Turkish army does not particularly concern or threaten Pashinyan and his rulers. Pashinyan must have asked someone, the mathematicians of his team, that if the Turk advances by 300 meters once a month, how long will it take to reach his seat? They also counted and said that it will take 20-25 years to reach Republic Square at this pace, we can be calm for that long. There is no alternative to restoring the constitutional order that was overthrown in 2018. Five years was enough time for the deluded and desensitized part of the society to understand.
Avetis Babajanyan