Break the #ArtsakhBlockade: demanding the US sanction and cut all aid to Azerbaijan and send emergency humanitarian assistance to Artsakh. The protest, organized by the ARF Eastern Region, coincides with the ANCA Eastern Region’s pro-Artsakh advocacy days on Capitol Hill,

which brought hundreds of activists from across the Midwest through the East Coast, demanding concrete U.S. action to end Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing of Artsakh and prevent a second Armenian Genocide. Break the #ArtsakhBlockade: Watch the Capitol Hill protest demanding the US sanction and cut all aid to Azerbaijan and send emergency humanitarian assistance to Artsakh. The protest, organized by the ARF Eastern Region, coincides with the ANCA Eastern Region’s pro-Artsakh advocacy days on Capitol Hill, which brought hundreds activists from across the Midwest through the East Coast, demanding concrete U.S. action to end Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing of Artsakh and prevent a second Armenian Genocide. Learn more and take action at #SanctionAzerbaijan #StopAliyev #StoptheArtsakhBlockade #ArtsakhTweet