The exterminators of Armenians in 1915 are not today’s Turks. That time there was no national Turkish state. It was created eight years after it, Turkish Radikal writes.
The author of the article Hussein Dermitas writes that the murderers are the organizers of what happened, mentioning Enver-Taliat-Cemal trio, governor of Trabzon Cemal Azmi, etc., those giving orders to kill and the commanders following these orders to be implemented as well as those who acquired the property of Armenians at cheap prices and those who made use of the created situation and distributed the property, the children of Armenians.
The author also says that those who have not apologized for what happened and those who did not regret it are also guilty.
“It is first of all necessary to start from these issues. They are the guilty of the Armenian Genocide and in the denial of it by Turkey. If we start from revelation of real criminals we will not accuse the whole people, whole nation. Thus, we will enter a new phase by rejecting them as our ancestors. Just like the Germans did. What did they do? They separated Hitler and those who committed genocide of the Jews and rejected them, rejected their heritage and started a cleaning process and created democratic Germany,” the author writes. “Only in this way we may built a democratic Turkey. By revealing that time criminals, by denying their heritage, and stating that we are not their sons,” he said, adding that the reconciliation is possible only by coming into terms with the past.