Journalist, author, documentary filmmaker Suciyan Tallinn since 2008, has completed his doctoral thesis work with great care. ‘Ordinary Survival Sew what’s happened: 1930 1950 Armenians in Turkey’ comprehensive thesis titled post Suciyan, the Armenians of Turkey from past to present social life and politics of the state deny the traces of Armenians
Armenian girls continued during the period of the Republic of kidnapping. One of the main reasons they come to Istanbul Armenians living outside the Istanbul Armenian families have to live with the danger of being kidnapped their daughter’s education, and that they were to reach a
Tallinn is a name that labor Suciyan successfully in many areas. Journalist, author, documentary filmmaker Suciyan, worked with great care since 2008, has completed his doctoral thesis. ‘SurvivingtheOrdinary: TheArmenians in Turkey 1930s to 1950’ (Trivial what’s happened Achieve Survival: Armenians in Turkey 1950, 1930), the title of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Turkey Studies Chair of the Department of Middle Eastern Studies thesis is a comprehensive study of post Suciyan the period of Turkey’s Armenians Armenian press, movement, and various other sources of social life and the past to the present Armenian state policy of denial traces of Armenians.
The minutes of the Armenian National Assembly, the Armenian primary sources such as reports reaching akademiysen the official historiography mechanisms to ignore these resources, denial sıradanlaşan applications in everyday life, a new conceptual propositions are revealing. On the occasion of this thesis contemplates the LMU Soykırımsonrasıtarihyazımı still working as a lecturer in the Department of Studies in Turkey Suciyan’la interviewed Tallinn.
- Thesis title ‘Survival’s happened ordinary Sew: 1930 1950 Armenians in Turkey’, the ‘ordinary’ Let’s start with the concept. What are commonplace?
Are commonplace, and many other fields remanufactured established habitusudur denied. Soykırımsonrası deny the state and the individual imagination of habitus both in Turkey and in consequence, has created an important socializing. This is the daily life of all of us Talat Paşa Primary Ergenekon Street or Armenians, Jews, Greeks, Assyrians, Kurds, Alevis as anti-entered.
If taken as a priority target in these groups, all the groups targeted by the state, or religious leftists have become the target and victim of the same unbelievers habitus. Habitus is no exception to this law. ‘Insulting Turkishness’ cases and the social and legal effect of these cases / structure, or expropriation, confiscation of property is a part of the same mediocrity. In this case, the sense of justice in society are also eliminated. The sense of justice on the Republican establishment, the case example of how you can comforting consciences?
However, many times to change the names of the village is a part of the same mediocrity. The inclusion of military areas that are part of the cultural heritage of buildings, making the state agency, or to use as a barn destruction of dynamite, the presence of people who lived in these areas, anlamsızlaştırılması cultural heritage, through the elimination of these assets, when combined with edilmesidir.Bütün casual racism and denial of annihilation sıradanlaşır.
For example, trying to live in Northern Mesopotamia, Asia Minor and buried its dead face attacks on Armenians, Armenian, street children, school exits face racist attacks, when going out in Tokat remaining Jews “Jewish malady, swallows the entire nation – the Jewish collar bit, iti our street,” he being exposed through the media of racism or ethnic / religious groups openly attack, degrade, sıradanlaşır members in the same way as targets.
Insert the mentality of unbelievers, the state, society, street through him, with him örgütlediğinizde, it is now agreed otherwise not think of one situation reveals a mediocrity. This together with the Republic institutionalized very quickly. Still waiting to read up on the history of the Republic of understanding the mechanisms of denial business. Turkey can recover from a percentage of the freedoms denied clamp itself, a country can be a sense of justice and social peace will be established.
- Çokluluğundan Armenian sources, and talk about the authenticity of reach of your thesis in the introduction, some of the resources inaccessible see any justification in the use of language is part of a policy of denial saying. Do you need to share these resources as well as application examples of the unbelievers?
First of all, I reached my only, but in general, the reputation of both the number of Armenian sources with the Republican period, as well as a wide variety of told him that. Be able to say the same thing for the pre-Republican. My research began in the 1930s was about the end of 1950 publications and resources collecting browsing this period is not possible for all the time I get it. ‘No BarperaganMamuliMadenakidutyun’ (1794-1967) (the Armenian Periodicals Bibliography) between 1924 and 1950, the number of 71 to 94, giving two separate. Even if we accept the first of these numbers is correct, this is still a very high number for a doctoral dissertation research. Therefore, future researchers with the history of the Republic of material ready for a busy Armenian sources.
Survivors in the United States in the 1980s, 1915, oral history work, or that cities around the world, having produced a live Armenian historiography books are not part of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey.
In the same way all the sources I used in my thesis is not only the history of the Armenians, the Republic of Turkey is a part of historiography. However, as Western Armenian, Greek, Ladino, Syriac, Arabic, Kurdish, other than those imposed on the rate of becoming excluded from the historiography. In this case, the language resources are becoming sources of silence
‘Insulting Turkishness’ cases and the social and legal effect of these cases / structure, or expropriation, confiscation of property is a part of the same mediocrity. In this case, the sense of justice in society are also eliminated. The sense of justice on the Republican establishment, the case example of how you can comforting consciences?
- Armenians Armenian newspapers scanned thesis that the primary sources of the period in which matters the most in recent history has attracted your attention?
Armenians from the 1930s to understand the transformation of institutions and society in general, NorLur, Ngar, Panper, NorHuys, NorLuys, as well as newspapers, yearbooks SurpPırgiç Hospital, as well as for the years 1940 Marmara, NorLur, NorOr, Aysor, newspapers and Paros TebiLuys , yine1940’lı years, starting from the late 1950s until the YerçanigDarekirk’e (Happy Year) and looked Yıllıkları’na Bardez. Jamanak newspaper in part, subject-based scanned. Starting from 2003, took advantage of some of the issues of Agos. These reports are prepared by committees of the Assembly, the Armenian National Assembly, minutes, and it was a very important primary sources.
These resources are not only light on the history of Armenians in Turkey in terms of social and political history gives important clues. Historiography of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, as well as many popular show them the memories of the patriarch is very important, especially before and after 1915, and offers a wide variety of information. Unfortunately, I could not reach the memory of the patriarch of the Republican period. Patriarch Mesrob Naroyan’ın lot of memories of the 1930s, even a few lines telling quotations. Another important source of information for the period leading lights of memories. Taurus Azadyan’ın ‘LipananyanHuşer’ (Memoirs of Lebanon), the moment of Aras Publishing books, such as ‘Step Agop hometown slap’ or ‘BatmutyunMalatyoHayots’ (History of the Armenians of Malatya), ‘BadmutyunYozgatiyevŞırçagayitsHayots’ (History of the Armenians living in and around Yozgat) as parts of the city for the period of the Republic of historical books on local history offers important resources. Also published in Armenia Gatoğigos VI. Especially in the history of Armenians in Turkey as well as letters written by George, II. The period after World War II, Soviet Armenia, Turkey,
Armenians all over the world, and a very valuable resource in the context of politics.
Of course, in addition to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Archives, as primary sources, especially non-Muslims, and in particular against the Armenians in the Republican period, the policy of the state in general, are important in understanding. In addition, the Armenians living in different places, was born and my oral history work, the documentation was deep-saving daily life experiences.
Armenian press of the period I had the chance to work with a large newspaper archive, and thus understood that the different functions of the Armenian newspapers. Armenian newspapers in the Republic of Armenian history in a systematic learning function, see the impossibility of creating awareness is an important date. Armenian newspapers tıpkıbasımlar the difficulty of achieving the primary sources, the patriarchate, gatoğigosluk releases, legislation, application changes, it is important biographical information, memories, Turkish newspapers Armenians Armenian news-letter Turkish translations as text or quotes, quotations from newspapers around the world, the Armenian diaspora in other malls about what’s happening in the news, foundations and community day to day monitoring of cases related to the property, easy to reach, such as insulting texts relevant to their cases have more news. An important part of these functions caused by the Armenians continues today in the newspapers.
- Alternatively, a concept of historiography began to be used the last 120 years. You dahiloldunuz how far into your dissertation into shaping the conceptual framework? History of the Armenian historiography in Turkey in terms of where you come at alternative do you think?
Social sciences and historiography of the 20th century, around two important debates fed. One of them is 20 and the other sömürgecilikse century was that century of genocide, the Holocaust, especially the European intellectual, social, political, cultural and artistic life The impact of changes in these areas can not be separated. However, these two issues in the area of Turkey and the Ottoman historiography was unfortunately too late.
For example, his research and publications signatures The ödettirilen costs due to what can be done in Turkey, is a clear sign of what academics. On the Ottoman colonialism to be broadcast today, it is still the fingers of both hands until we understand that many of the English? Holocaust literature figures expressed or built from tens of thousands all over the world literature in Turkey cılızlığını How can we explain this? Of course, in turn, “But I have this book, this book is” there will be those. But I’m talking about is not this or that publication, a consciousness that has not been created, the creation of more awareness is blocked. Europe, the United States-led studies in Turkey or India was gripped by decades of denial. At this moment, however, talk about how the Armenian historiography in Turkey, is a professional?
Only one to deny deny, but to create a new narrative, creating new areas of interest and to support the development of these areas requires to sit on the main theme. Prof. Hans-LukasKieser’in’Iskalanmış Peace ‘as he said in his book ten years of partnership with Turkey called the state historian studies in Turkey and abroad. Kieser said this partnership as an essential condition I. World War I, the Armenian and Kurdish issues, the Christian missions, and in general about the Christian heritage of Anatolia yapmamaktı research. Thus, the absence of Jews in Turkey and the Ottoman historiography of the history of Germany and the Indians into a California not. This situation began to change, but since the early 1990s
Insert the mentality of unbelievers, the state, society, street through him, with him örgütlediğinizde, it is now agreed otherwise not think of one situation reveals a mediocrity. This together with the Republic institutionalized very quickly and became a part of the social space. Still waiting to read up on the history of the Republic of understanding the mechanisms of denial of a business
- Why you focus your thesis, especially the period between 1930-1950? What were the main problems experienced by the Armenian community in Turkey during this period?
Thesis is based on the life experince remaining Armenians in Turkey wanted to determine the date range. In this regard, the source offers plenty of single-party period, the foundation trustees of a single application of the management of the Armenian undermine the Regulation, which continue to come to Istanbul Armenians in Asia Minor and northern Mesopotamia, patriarchal authority removed from being the center of social and political power, religious area compressed so important developments took over the heritage of the Republic created in 1915 by denying those between -23 and dilemmas.
Trying to understand these developments from the 1930s, particularly in the period 1944-1950 crisis, the choice between the patriarch tried to look. This date coincides with the turning point for Turkey, but most important. II. After World War II international environment, Turkey’s position, relations with the USSR, Stalin Armenians migrated to the call, then re-power Eçmiadzin’in1930’lu years recovering from the crisis and the role of politics in the international arena to do Armenians in Turkey, the Patriarch Mesrob Naroyan’ın BaşepiskoposKevorkArslanyan’ın instead of sudden death in 1944, the trustee appointed to prepare the way for elections rather than on the legacy of the late patriarch management SurpPırgiç Hospital after a serious legal struggle and not to organize the selection of the patriarchs, first of all the actors mentioned later in Istanbul Armenians had reason to be involved in an international crisis.
In general, the weakest actor in the Republican period, the Armenians in Turkey were not even all the international conjuncture, the position assigned to them acting strikingly apparent fraudulent representation, but even in this case the task expected of them üstlenmeleriydi. General position, which the actor himself in various newspapers editors wrote articles expressing periods slippery floor or directly from the newspapers are closed. II. One of the most important issues during and after World War II kampanyalarıydı Armenian hostility.
These campaigns conducted in the field of national and international Armenian newspapers published in Istanbul and all that had to respond to comments about political issues or completely shut down as a result, or the editors of these newspapers incarceration, placing, causing to leave the country. Short-lived and the newspaper publishing daily life NorOr issuers to leave the country before the arrest and then only one of the examples given to it.
We also continued during the period of the Republic of Armenian girls’ abduction. One of the main reasons they come to Istanbul Armenians living outside the Istanbul Armenian families have to live with the danger of being kidnapped their daughter and that they were to reach a degree. The school can not open outside of Istanbul Armenians was a Republican dilemma.
There were certainly on paper, but in practice the opening of the Armenian school of Rights were forbidden. These are the reasons that make the Armenians obligation in terms of just the two of you to go to Istanbul. Ultimately in 1915, after the perpetrator and the victim’s co-inhabited regions, as everyone knows, what is going on every day, and everyone was aware of the places where each other’s face looked. Oral history banality of this situation is clearly seen in the work and memories.
- Republican period and the Diaspora Armenians alırkenhabitus terms referring to the social and political hayatınıele. This is what concepts are involved?
Habitus and the remaining Armenians in Turkey during diasporaCumhuriyet looking at the history of the history of the Republic, and in general I find most useful tools. I understand it is that all the research I’ve done, by the denial of the elite Republican history between 1915 and 1923, it is found international support mechanisms and institutionalization of the entire state of denial with the existing street, the neighborhood, and remanufactured accepted almost all social areas revealed a habitus.
This habitusta racism, conception of justice is turned upside down, attacking Muslims or normality audiences targeted by the state, it would not constitute a criminal conviction and therefore established the practice of everyday life. So insulting normality of cases, ‘Talk to Turkish citizens’ campaigns created by the media, Wealth Tax, 20 Kura military applications, especially in Istanbul Armenians living outside the school, weddings, while burying their dead or setting off dynamite gömemezken churches faced racist attacks or something they witnessed, while avoid, all of which have been accepted behaviors, judgments, and values are whole. Although before it is launched in the state and its institutions in the street, you find quite a large reflection. Thus, a denial of mediocrity, constantly reproduces itself as a state of normality.
The second concept, the concept of diaspora. Other communities in the Diaspora Armenians remaining in Turkey and Armenia and the diaspora is not a separate position, because it is said to live in their own homeland. However, this opinion is an important part of the concept of the 1930-40s years of the Kemalist state archives of the Prime Minister of the Republic can be seen easily. Archives of the Republic of the many reports on the Armenian press in an Armenian newspaper ‘other Armenian colonies’ whether or not bond with them, gave special attention to the news about how much space is shown. The eyes of public opinion formation of an Armenian newspaper, one of the most basic criteria for relations with the diaspora. In addition, all the anti-Armenian campaigns, the Armenians themselves ‘poor Armenians outside’ reservation and asked to bring itself in line with the official policy of Turkey aynıyla that applies today.
From the outset of the Kemalist state approach, the need to demand the right to block the remaining Armenians goods returned to Turkey, through the control of the press and media as well as the remaining Armenians in Turkey, the separation from relatives scattered all over the world, used the practice of organizing them against each other. Supported the policies of the Republican era deportations continue, given the decisions of relocation if necessary, that the Armenian diaspora has made on the land where they live. Yozgat have had to come to Istanbul, the Armenians in the same situation where thousands of displaced people die centers, broke, unemployed, homeless and hungry people, how can we say that they are not the diaspora?
The nation-state, nationalism, minority explaining concepts such as the practice of the republican period in Turkey is inadequate. Because of a situation beyond these concepts, soykırımsonrası soykırımsonrası state and society, there is the matter. Of the concept of Diaspora in this direction, I think we should be reconsidered in order to include these realities. But here is not only the perceptions and feelings, institutional, social, cultural, economic, historical, structural changes in the exit path is recommended. In particular experiences of the Armenians remaining in Turkey would be an important contribution of this literature.
‘We owe it to history Varujan’a Baron’
- VarujanKöseyan’ın researcher and writer dedicated to the memory of your thesis. Could you tell us the story of this?
Holy Savior Hospital is a large part of the research in the garden room, a storage place like I did. VarujanKöseyan collected on a regular basis since 1927, saving it in the newspaper recycling volumes dizmişti shelves. If you do not have resources, it would be very important for the period of the Republic had not done it. Therefore, we owe it to Baron Varujan’a history. Approximately five months of the year for two years prior to his death he was closely followed what I was doing, and he was having a warehouse.
For me the most important part of this study is its dostluğuydu. Oral history conversations made many times in history the securities and scientific study, in which the horizon for me açıcıydı rigor. After the death of hospital management, especially discontinue the opportunity to work Arsen provided Yarman. Right now, as far as rearranging the store and began to work to prepare an archive room, I found there, and of course all my heart shall be available for use by researchers in periodicals archive VarujanKöseyan the archive name to give it.