Though almost a century has passed since the beginning of the Armenian Genocide on April 24, 1915, it is important that we continue to mark its occurrence — especially because there are still some in the world who imagine that this was not truly an epic crime against humanity, but merely an inhumane but unintended side effect of World War I, Jonathan Kay said in his article published by National Post.
“Many survivors of the Armenian Genocide and their descendants have not only had to fight to reestablish their lives, heritage and communities outside of Turkey, but they also have had to wage a constant battle for historical truth,” the article said.
“The avoidance of the truth about the Armenian Genocide is an injustice not only to the Armenian people, but to all humanity — because ultimately, the only good thing that comes out of man’s evil to his fellow man is the increase in our knowledge and understanding of the depths of that evil — which becomes a tool for preventing future suffering. And that knowledge and understanding is impossible to acquire if, as in modern Turkey, people hide from the truth, out of a misguided desire to protect their national pride.”
“Unfortunately, the study of the Armenian Genocide has been systematically hampered by those who have tried to make excuses for the perpetrators, or minimize their murderous intent. In Turkey, the search for reconciliation still remains elusive: Indeed, that government still maintains the conceit that some sort of new study needs to be made, in order to ascertain what exactly happened in 1915. It is as if the German government were to inform us that we needed a new, conclusive study of what happened in the 1930s and 1940s before we could lay judgment on the Nazis.”
“But there is evidence that the ground is shifting — even if we have had to wait nearly a century for that shift to take place: Some Turks are questioning their government’s attitude. I salute those in Turkey, and everywhere else, who truly are making these genuine efforts at reconciliation. Truth is the enemy of evil. And the fight against future human suffering begins with an appreciation of the suffering endured in the past,” the author concludes.