By: Jean Eckian
Paris, Place du Trocadero, January 26 – In a time not to release his dog, 400 brave protesters massed nevertheless face Parvis of Human Rights, calling the CCAF to denounce again and again denialist stance that Turkey, which has decidedly not intended to settle in Europe. A Turkey that not only away day after day values of democracy, but persists and signs in his denial, pretending not to hear appeals from the foot of its civil society, eager to finish to open the way to a serene future, cleared of all resentment, and that everyone is calling for.
The fact is, in this Jan. 26, 2014, on the eve of the official visit to Turkey, the President of the French Republic, François Hollande, the French-Armenians in Ile-de-France, as communities Marseille, Lyon and Montpellier held to make lesson to those who, long tweets promise defeat and the loss of the Armenian combat. There is nothing gentlemen dark forces surreptitiously came just before 15h, photograph the site Parvis of Human Rights still desert beating hearts of those who know it, will never abandon the core duty every Armenian has lost souls of Deir ez-Zor.
Taking into account the cold and rain, the words have taken appropriate shorter than usual, but no less significant, if not more.
This is the Co-Chair of CCAF, Mourad Papazian which launched the first salvo in the place of the Turkish state. After thanking their presence representatives of Assyrian-Chaldean communities, Greeks, Kurds and Cypriots, the leader of the ARF ARF indignantly hammered a NO to this Turkey enclosing journalists who violates human rights, women and Kurds. Which occupies Cyprus and whose nationals sow terror in Syria. A state candidate for membership in the European Union far from the values of democracy worthy of the name, corrupts, forced his youth … But he also suggested that “the requirement wants us to work to put Turkey on the track and in the right direction, but w
ith Erdogan, it is not possible.” Adding that “it will not be better with Gülen.” “There are practices that we must condemn. We expect an expression that will bring justice, supports all democrats in Turkey trying to turn
things around. There are many and increasingly in civil society who take risks fools for love of their country. But then Turkey does not match their expectations. That is why the question of the entry of Turkey into the European Union must be able to move this country. But as long as this state there remain in this posture, we will all face him permanently to Stop the Turkey into the European Union. “Strongly warned Mourad Papazian. For his remarks, he said that 2014 was very important because it foreshadows the centenary of the Armenian genocide, with the agenda of the very important issue of the law criminalizing the denial of genocide. A point on which trust is apparently de rigueur.
If Mourad Papazian leaves so slightly ajar waiting for an unlikely door, but may be in-situ improvement Ara Toranian, Co-Chair of the CFC, said that “The State of François Hollande Turkey, after the opening of a new negotiation chapter, crowns return rosy relations between Paris and Ankara. ” “The situation is not without worry the Armenian community continued to face the hostility of that State who has made” the fight against the allegations of genocide as a priority of its foreign policy. ”
“It remembers all the conditions for the less outrageous in which the Constitutional Council has blocked there two years the law that allowed Boyer penalize outrageous denial of genocides recognized by France. Subjected to violent blackmail Turkey, the institution of the Rue Montpensier, managed to invalidate the law through a tour of legal legerdemain, on the grounds that it violated the sacrosanct freedom of expression. ” accuses Toranian, adding, “But we know that this decision actually obeyed other reasons which are directly related to the subject of today’s event, namely the incredible political influence of the state Turkish in our territory. “” Why, he says, “the presence in the institute of the Bosphorus, Turkish main lobby in France, especially officials of the largest French companies (Areva, GDF Suez, Airbus Industry, Airport of Paris)? And during this time the Armenian community is still waiting for a text penalizing denial of the Armenian genocide, as there is one for the crimes of the Second World War. There was a time when Western democracies put pressure on dictatorships to extract progress. In this case, we fell into a scenario diametrically opposite: it is a genocidal and authoritarian state is in the process of obtaining a fee, a decline in France on its internal management rights . What is lamentable in the attitude of our leaders face the Turkish market is that they always forget that this country has at least as much need of France than otherwise. “, Has outraged the Co-Chair of CCAF. Then he says, “In any case, one thing is for sure, when you see the damage caused by the influence of Turkey on our democratic institutions, while it is outside Europe, we can not imagine what it would be if she joined the European Union. In this perspective, the concern can not say at the son and daughters of the victims of the genocide that we are. Which could indeed ask us to consider this reckless comeback in our political environment in our daily lives, in our lives, a state whose interests are so closely related to the extermination of our people? We say no to this Turkey in Europe. And when we say “this” Turkey, it is actually “the” Turkey as it was designed by Mustafa Kemal. Namely, a state whose construction, floor by floor, based on genocide, theft, denial of reality, concealment and is therefore structurally revisionist. “.
Ara Toranian finally recalls that “all the presidents of the 5th republic declared themselves in favor of Turkey’s entry into the Union, and I’m not talking about Nicolas Sarkozy was in any way against, said that it would naturally conditioned by its recognition of the Armenian genocide. But is not it time to give such loud and long, with more conviction? Is not it time to formalize clearly placing on the agenda of discussions “? as was voted the European Parliament on 18 June 1987. A “resolution on a political solution to the Armenian question” in which he conditioned the integration of Turkey for its recognition of the Armenian Genocide and respect for minorities. A June 18 having nothing Gaullist as the future imposed on the descendants of the survivors of the First Genocide of the twentieth century.
The Question now is whether it is Europe that will end up” kémaliser “folding increasing the weight of the influence of Ankara, or if it is Turkey that will eventually humanize , asking forgiveness and repairing. This is one of the challenges of today’s combat and mobilization to come. Concluded forcefully Co-Chair of CFC.
After speaking of Hrach Varjabedian Armenian (sound recording)
Leon Haydar, representing the Federation of Kurdish Associations in France (FEYKA) branded Turkey for the genocide of Armenians and Assyrian-Chaldeans, and for 40 years oppressing the Kurdish people by war in Kurdistan. A Turkey responsible for the killings in Syria and the murder of three Kurdish activists in Paris January 9, 2013: Sakine Cansiz, Dogan Fidan and Leyla Saylemez, why FEYKA demand accounts.
It is then the film
maker Robert Kéchihian who spoke, addressing the President of the French Republic, Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Arnaud Montebourg, Minister of Productive Recovery, reminding them that if the French o
f Armenian voted for them, it is because “they thought you had a will greater than the so-called reasons of state.” Ministers, he said, “that with the full moral mouth, suddenly the face of economic reality, all these good moral commitments that for decades have marked the fighting leftist parties, mainly the Socialist Party through the major figures of Jean Jaurès and Georges Clemenceau, the corporation is dissolved, is diluted. ” “A shame! “Is he exclaimed. Pointing Laurent Fabius and his “beautiful music” condemnation of dictatorships Kéchichian raises his voice in challenging for inviting François Hollande “in a meeting with Mr. Erdogan who is part of a corrupt government, by jailing opposition. A Turkey, “he insists,” is an economic and political dwarf who takes the money of the European Communities. “The director said he was disappointed the President Holland” in this process, “he calls immoral.” Then he will warn policies, arguing that “morality in politics often comes like a boomerang. Than April 24, 2015, there will not only Armenians in the streets, but also French and shaken peoples of all communities that stand. It is this morality which require Turkey to recognize the Armenian genocide! “Has he said, throat outlet.
To conclude the catch words of the appointment of NO to this Turkey, the President of the Association of Assyro-Chaldeans of France, Daniel Augustus, regretted to have a posture of mistrust François Hollande, for which he ideologically close and said that we are still waiting for the promise of a bill condemning the denial of Armenian genocide, Assyrian-Chaldean and Greek into the facts. Annoyed, he said not to trust the political discourse in France as “Belgium, a government of shame, where the Turkish lobbying flourished. One hundred years have passed since 1915. If necessary, our people will fight another hundred years to succeed! ”
Saying repeatedly deceived by political speech, the French communities of Armenian origin, Assyro-Chaldean and greek decided to come together in a common struggle to tell the President of the Republic that Turkey does not fulfill the criteria accession to the European Union. A widely shared opinion that the French, according to a survey FIFG for the magazine Current Values, indicates that 83% of French reject the proposed membership of Turkey in Europe.
Jean Eckian