Two important conferences took place in Yerevan last week in preparation for next year’s Armenian Genocide Centennial.
Participating in the first meeting, held on May 26, were representatives of Centennial Committees from 40 countries who reported on their plans for April 24, 2015. On this occasion, the emblem and motto for the Centennial were unveiled — “I remember and demand….” The conference was a unique opportunity for the attendees to exchange contact information and discuss collaborative joint efforts.
The second meeting, held on May 27, brought together State Centennial Committee members, with representatives of the regional committees, and dozens of Armenian diplomats and high-ranking clergy from around the world. The State Committee consists of the leadership of Armenia and Artsakh (Karabagh), and heads of major Armenian organizations worldwide.
In a daring move, Pres. Sargsyan announced that he had invited the President of Turkey to visit Yerevan on April 24, 2015, in order to face the truth of the Armenian Genocide. Caught by surprise, Turkish officials have yet to respond to this challenging invitation. The Armenian President also informed the conference participants that he had invited several other heads of state to Yerevan on that date. French President Francois Hollande has already confirmed that he plans to be in Yerevan on the Genocide’s Centennial.
After presentations by State Committee members, representatives from Argentina, France, Lebanon, Russia, and the United States were given the opportunity to address the conference. I was also asked to speak in my capacity as Co-Chair of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of the Western United States.
I began by explaining that Armenians around the world should not be obsessed with the expectation that Pres. Obama would include the word genocide in his ‘memorial’ statement of April 24, 2015. Contrary to popular misconception, the United States government has repeatedly recognized the Armenian Genocide, starting in 1951 with an official document submitted to the World Court; House of Representatives resolutions in 1975 and 1984; and Pres. Ronald Reagan’s Presidential Proclamation of April 22, 1981. Consequently, there is no crucial need to insist that Pres. Obama also acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, save for the purpose of fulfilling his promise and sustaining his integrity.
In my talk I also suggested that since the Armenian Genocide lasted from 1915 to 1923, the planned Centennial activities should extend from 2015 to 2023. This would be a true nightmare for the Turkish government, having to confront not one, but eight years of Centennial events.
Since the Centennial is a historic milestone, I urged Armenian communities around the world to organize unique events which have a mass appeal and the potential of generating nationwide or worldwide publicity for Armenians’ just demands from Turkey. The same old annual events should not be repeated on the occasion of the Centennial. However, before initiating any project, it is incumbent on all Armenian communities to first agree on the objectives to be accomplished and decide whether the planned activities meet those goals.
I proceeded to read to the conference participants the mission statement of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of Western United States:
“The 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide signifies a global demand for justice by Armenians worldwide and all people of good will. The Centennial marks one of the 20th century’s greatest crimes against humanity. In 1915, the Turkish Government began a premeditated and systematic campaign to uproot the Armenian population from its ancestral homeland and slaughter 1.5 million defenseless men, women and children.
Turkey must finally acknowledge its responsibility for the Genocide and make appropriate moral, financial, and territorial restitution, as mandated by the fundamental norms of international law and civilized society.”
I concluded my remarks by suggesting that Armenians worldwide coordinate their Centennial activities so that the same message is delivered to friend and foe alike. I also proposed that the motto chosen by the State Committee be modified from “I remember and demand” to “We remember and demand justice!”
While this gathering should have been held much earlier, it was most useful in terms of coordinating the planned Centennial activities. Not surprisingly, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu announced last week that his government was closely monitoring the Centennial Committee’s Yerevan meetings. Fortunately, the organizers in Armenia were cautious not to make public the Centennial plans to keep Turkish officials in the dark, giving them as little time as possible to counter the Armenian initiatives!
President of the United States of America
The White House, Washington, DC
April 20, 2014
His Excellency Mr. Barack Obama
Please accept my sincere congratulations on second term of your presidency and also I would like to congratulate the people of the United States of America.
Mr. President, April 24th is not just a day of sorrow for Armenians, but also for other nations remembering the 99 years anniversary of Armenian Genocide, planned by International Zionism and executed by Yung Turks Government in Turkey 1915 – now military allies of the United States.
In one year it will be the 100 years anniversary of the Armenian genocide…
During the genocide more than two million Armenians were killed and all other survivors were exiled to the desert or migrated to other countries. More importantly, we Armenians lost 90% of our Fatherland, but on the other hand, the evil forces that triggered the First and Second World Wars gained a land.
Mr. President, the twentieth century started with revolutionary ideas in physical science, especially in theoretical physics, that why it calls annus mirabilis time. And also during the same time, evil forces were trying to take over humanity, by generating revolutions just as they are doing now.
This is also a time, when in 1905 prestige physics magazines, like Annals of Physics, started printing series of articles in theoretical physics. From that submitted articles there vanished the name of the main author – Mileva Marić, and plagiarized others discoveries. Ten years later, in 1915, they also mutilated original submitted article by David Hilbert to Gottingen Academy and plagiarized it as well.
During these times starts a relativity priority dispute and creates the dissident scientist movement.
Those evil forces who plagiarized ideas from German, French, Dutch, Italian, Scottish, Russian and merely all European scientists in favor of only one person, making him an idol in physics and man of the century, manufacturing him for some evil agenda.
And this dishonest Zionist person – whose portrait hangs in nearly every physics department around the world, including USA, is the greatest shame of the scientific community and for science. If somebody who would try to criticize either of Special theory of relativity or suggest alternative theories, all mainstream scientific journals reject papers without review.
This is true for all mainstream scientific journals in United States of America as well.
For example just few days ago, April 15, I submit again our article to the American Physical Society (APS) Physical Review Letters journal. After one day, April 16, I received the following answer from editor: “Your manuscript LD14705L has been considered. We regret to inform you that we have concluded that it is not suitable for publication in any APS journal.” They don’t even send it for review. I get almost same answer all major USA physics journals – it politically not correct.
As I understand it, after Heisenberg’s quantum theory (1925) and Dirac’s relativistic quantum theory (1928) – theoretical physics came to halt. Eighty five years have passed from those days and no progress has been made in theoretical physics at all. And in that existing long lasting vacuum in theoretical physics, opportunist “physicists” ”(whose ethnicity is not secret), are promoting artificial and false theories like “string theory”, “super string theory”, “K theory”, “big bang theory” and so on…
The World becomes the verge of darkness.
Mr. President you know that there is always HOPE…
For the past 45 years I have been a dissident scientist trying to prove what is wrong with special theory of relativity as we know it now and creating many new theories, calling them “Alternative theory of relativity” or “New theory of relativity” and so on… But later on I remembered Socrates’s wise words “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
That’s why during the year 2012, when all evil forces were preaching the end of the world, we declare the year 2012 new miracle year and we creating “Armenian Theory of Relativity – One Dimensional Movement” article. We register it in USA Copyright office and GB Copyright Witness office the exact day of “the end of the world” – December 21, 2012 and we publish it as book in June 2013 in Armenia.
100 years of inquisition in Physics is now over and Armenian revolution in science has begun!
Mr. President, with this letter is attached our original full article in Armenian (86 pages) (, short communication in English (4 pages) (, visual comparison Armenian and Lorentz relativistic formulas (10 pages) (, our letter to all researchers of truth (1 page) ( and our short biographies (2 pages) ( I am sorry to say that I don’t have any resources to translate our full article in English for broader readership.
Mr. President, please excuse my courage to ask a favor from you.
And that favor, which I like to ask you, it is not to recognize Nagorno-Karabakh independence or even not in year 2015 – 100 years anniversary of Armenian Genocide, to make a historic visit to Armenia and give respect to two million killed innocent civilian Armenians.
My favor which I like to ask is to fix the shame in theoretical physics by representing our article – “Armenian Theory of Relativity – One Dimensional Movement” to Nobel Committee for Physics for consideration to nominate Nobel Prize in Physics 2015 – 100 anniversary of Armenian genocide.
Mr. President, this article and upcoming other articles is design to bring new renaissance in theoretical physics. We believe that even one article can awaken humanity and enlighten the darkness in physics.
This is truly historic time to enlighten the World with Armenian Theory of Relativity.
With great respect,
Robert Nazaryan