By Lena Kalyan
I have recently watched the ‘Trailer, film, where is an intension to introduce the small part of the huge tragical historical event: the ethnic cleansing of Armenian nation in 1915 and after.
The Turkish political representatives and the fake historians avoiding to name Genocide this historical event, even they brought up the new generations who trying to creat artificial reasons to reject criminal and guilty past of Ottoman murderer dynasty.
The positive side of the film is that author trying remind the horrific events against Christianity when Armenian people has been the biggest losers: not just they lost the motherland and the rich culture also physically wiped away, more than the half of nation most brutally murdered.
In the film there is a visible intention: the fine way the film makers introducing the Turkish soldier’s humanitarian character that he was trying to be helpful to the victims in horrific situation.
This is a real myth.
We should understand very important fact, the real mentality of the Turkish militants.
In this civilised world the Turkish soldiers don’t show any humanity and sorrow to the Kurds and without conches they kill fighting Kurdish woman and civilians. How it happened the Turkish soldier in his uniform revealed extraordinary humanity during the First World War when bloodthirsty ottomans had the ‘holy plans’ in their murderer heads to kill the Armenian nation and obtain their wealth and the land.
This film may be has some good intentions but doesn’t look realistic.
I can see more political intension that intention to introduce the real historical fact.
I believe they want confirm that it was just a unfortunate historical event between two nations and avoid to confirm that historical event was a carefully designed GENOCIDE.
Armenian Genocide it’s not a source for romantic creations.
It is a brutal fact, it needs to introduce the realistic way and put pressure on Turkish politicians and the historians to face to their GUILTY past.
This will be the start of the real HUMANITY.
I have not seen the film, but I have seen the trailer.
The young American woman who “falls in love” with the Turkish lieutenant is described as being “idealistic.”
A woman who consorts with a man who is a member of an army that is murdering a million civilians cannot be described as “idealistic.”
A better description of such a woman would be “blind, unfeeling, and cold.”