Chris cornell
The Los Angeles Committee of Human Rights Watch presented its inaugural Promise Award to the song The Promise during the Voices for Justice Human Rights Watch Annual Dinner on November 14, 2017, Human Rights Watch reported.
Inspired by the film and song that powerfully depicted the atrocities committed against the Armenian people, the award recognizes an outstanding song, television show, or film that advances the values of equity and justice in an original and powerful way. Fittingly, the inaugural honor was given to the late legendary singer and songwriter Chris Cornell in recognition of his song, The Promise.
The pioneering recording artist Chris Cornell, who sadly passed away in May, wrote the title song for the film, The Promise, the first major Hollywood film about the Armenian genocide. The song and its video fittingly weave the genocide with humanitarian crises of today. The song focuses on courage, perseverance, and hope – connecting with emotions that characterize and amplify the worldwide struggle for human rights. Cornell donated all proceeds from the song to benefit refugees and children, and his song continues to inspire millions as an anthem for the human rights movement.
We’re so grateful to @RyanTedder and #DrewBrown of @OneRepublic for their performance of @thepromisefilm song in honor of the talented @chriscornell at tonight’s #VoicesforJusticeLA dinner. #KeepThePromise #NeverStaySilent @esrailian pic.twitter.com/uGA6COYu6K
— HRW California (@HRWSoCal) 15 ноября 2017