Armenian Armed Forces parade
When the formation of the Armenian Armed Forces was announced on January 28, 1992 it truly reinforced the establishment of an independent Armenia, as the Armed Forces of any county represents that nation’s sovereignty and the guarantor of it security.
Yet the Armenian Armed Forces were not formed under the peaceful conditions. Armenia and the Armenian Nation was embroiled in a war—a liberation struggle—that required unequivocal and absolute victory. That was achieved when Armenian soldiers overcame Azerbaijan and established the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.
This is not an oversimplification of the mammoth challenges overcome by the Armed Forces of a nascent Armenian Republic. The sacrifice, dedication and persistence of the Armed Forces changed the course of history for our entire nation, setting itself apart from other post-Soviet countries far larger than Armenia.
It is with this precise understanding that celebrating Armenia’s Armed Forces Day—January 28—must not only evoke a sense of proud but must serve as a National Day of Re-dedication to the principles of statehood, to our resolve to protect our nation at any cost and to our determination to fight for the Armenian Cause.
Today, the soldiers protecting our borders, both in Armenia and Artsakh, are faced with equally perilous conditions. With their steadfast commitment to their mission they ensure that no entity can penetrate the sacred border of our country. We lament that fact that 57 soldiers lost their lives on the frontlines in 2015 in the service of their nation and we, as individuals and collectively as a nation, must work hard to ensure that they and those who came before them did not a sacrifice their lives in vain.
Our soldiers who singlehandedly charted the course for our nations continue to serve as an inspiration and example to our new generation of soldiers—men and women who are heroically, and shoulder-to-shoulder protecting our nation from harm.
Let us celebrate Armenia’s Armed Forces Day by honoring our soldiers and our heroes and by individually taking the soldier’s pledge to protect and serve our nation.