What would happen to a leader who still has a chance to stay in office?

- He would try to defuse the situation by making concessions,
- He would appeal to the people: He would try to explain the essence of his policy,
- He would do everything to prevent riots in the streets, he would rule out the use of brute force by the police,
- He would preach unity and solidarity.
- Finally, he would declare that no matter what, he will not deny the Armenian Genocide, will never agree to such a demarcation, as a result of which the only portal connecting Armenia to Artsakh will be closed, will not allow corridors under Azerbaijani control in Armenia, is under pressure from partner states. to bring all our captives, will do everything so that Artsakh is not part of Azerbaijan.
These simple things would be done by a leader who does not want to leave for the sake of his country, his people, and his homeland.
And now look at what Nicole is doing.
- Continues to divide society,
- Makes the police hostile to the people,
- Does not care about what is happening in Armenia and around Armenia.
- Continues to tacitly agree with the anti-Armenian statements of the head of state of the enemy; 5. Taking advantage of the undisguised
support of the West, leads the country to final and irreversible capitulation; What leader would do such a thing? This is how a worm would treat its people, the homeland, which has no other chance to lead that people and state. This would be the revenge of an official who realizes his imminent end. This is what the lesser 5 left villains would do.
Ամբողջական հոդվածը կարող եք կարդալ այս հասցեով՝ : https://hraparak-am.translate.goog/post/00f2a649a3cc53808356e533ce3e16a7?_x_tr_sl=hy&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=nui,sc
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Risk mitigation and threat assessment: Armenia and the hidden trap
Author’s Note: The underlying non-shared and non-disclosed information on which all contributions are based is restricted and sensitive and NOT reported on this platform. This does not apply to the named open sources.
Something completely different concerns #Armenia, namely the geopolitical hidden plans concerning #Iran, which, if realised, could have a direct negative impact on the entire #Caucasus.
It is widely known that this neighbouring Armenian country is in the spotlight quite a bit regarding its current regime and its sensitivities internationally.
Also, it is slowly becoming public knowledge that other neighbours of Iran, namely #Turkey and #Azerbaijan, are secret arch-enemies. Not only of Iran, but also of Armenia. This is not going to change.
It is also known, according to sources, that revolutions (such as the Roses in #Georgia, Maidan in #Ukraine and Velvet in Armenia) are staged and financed by foreign parties. Only to give a geopolitical twist to the wheel of fortune. Not for the benefit of the country itself, see what happened in the #Artsakh War 2020 and the current state of affairs in Eastern and Southern Ukraine.
It is not for nothing that Western parties (including #NATO) have considered Azerbaijan as an interesting partner for years, and not only for the oil. It is also a reason, that #Israel is actually present with permission from Baku.
Turkey wants to revive ‘normal’ relations with Armenia? Well, according to sources not really. Watch out for this helping hand from Ankara. Life-threatening.
But now the interesting part of this epistle. According to sources, all named parties want to destabilise Iran demographically via the North-East. The large minority in Iran there is an interesting but unstable factor, which can be used and facilitated to exploit Iran from within and eventually through the borders with Turkey and Azerbaijan.
It is not for nothing that Turkey and Azerbaijan want to have a land corridor through #Syunik, separating Armenia from Iran. Iran has vetoed this. #Russia will not tolerate this either, because it will see the Caucasus slip from its sphere of influence and a Western influence appear.
This coveted geopolitics may have more serious consequences than what is currently happening in Ukraine. The entire Caucasus and the Middle East may become an explosive powder keg. No worse, it will become a war zone, into which this whole region will be sucked.
An existential threat and crushed by external forces, because Iran is better prepared and equipped since 1979 than Ukraine since 2014.
So let Yerevan never, ever fall into this external geopolitical trap, for this means not only the end of Armenia’s sovereignty and thousands of years of civilisation, but also being caught between superpowers such as Russia, Iran and Western parties.
This is of a completely different order.