Yesterday, Nikol Pashinyan instructed the Chief of Police, his cousin Vahe Ghazaryan, to mobilize the internal troops and deploy them throughout the city to prevent the protesters from closing the streets, to arrest the most disobedient of them, and not to play polite and suppress the movement with harsh actions. And especially not to allow the streets to be closed. Early in the morning, the entire arsenal of internal police forces was in the designated areas and, as expected, used violence against peaceful protesters to open the streets. The boss’s order must be obeyed.
What Vladimir Gasparyan did not do at the time, in fact, Vahe Ghazaryan from Ijevan is happy to do, whom, according to rumors, Pashinyan is going to appoint the director of the National Security Service. And in 2018, Nikol Pashinyan thought that it was possible to paralyze the traffic across the country, put underwear on speedometers, close all possible streets, enter the radio and universities, call everyone on strike and strike, and the police did not touch him.
What kind of degradation has a person experienced during 4 years, that forbids people to exercise their constitutional rights, to hold simple protests?