Arman Tatoyan,
The statements of the head of the RA government yesterday are very dangerous for both Armenia and Artsakh Armenia’s security system is simply destroyed by such announcements that are due to narrow political interests and have no professional grounds.
This is how Azerbaijani criminal acts have been hidden from the international community since the end of the war. These facts have also been hidden from the internal community and the Diaspora. Serious pressure has been under and continues to be subjected to by those who speak these facts. There is just an informational blockade. In order to not point out their own mistakes and not to bring dissatisfaction, the RA high-ranking officials have been irresponsibly justified and legalized by the illegal Azerbaijani armed deputy in our villages and roads Official announcements have been made by the Armenian territorial jurisdiction to Azerbaijan for their own political interests, ignoring the security, life and the population of Armenia and Artsakh’s the other rights. These officials have also consistently zeroed our fundamental thesis of historical significance since Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity has nothing to do with Artsakh’s and has never been ignored that Azerbaijani state doctrine in Armenia a significant part of the roof is considered “Azerbaijani historical territory” and that towards us is the hatred towards fascism and politics of enemy and so on. All this in the international arena has freed Azerbaijan’s hands and given us the opportunity to occupy the world with frauds and put us in danger of geopolitical interests. Convicted promoted and started advertising the so-called “peace” agenda to the world when Azerbaijan talks to us about peace only with threats of destruction and destruction and continues its criminal acts. Parallel Three: In Armenia, people’s alertness started to intoxicate announcements without even seeing the results of that agenda. As a result, “peace” remained only on us and it turned out that it must be implemented at the expense of our rights and dignity, what is it that there are officials in Armenia who are in their political interests and the preservation of their positions in the country they prefer more than the price. Therefore, any statement like the head of the RA Government and, in general, any other official or state body has no legitimacy and cannot be put on the basis of the protection of the interests of our people.