Vakhtang Siradeghyan
Among the former, with the rank of general, one of the “national electors” turned into a Kpkakan, G. M. with his initials, when talking to a journalist, he poses a dilemma:

“Would it be better to lose Artsakh or Armenia?” At first glance, from the point of view of sound logic, the answer is obvious. it is better to lose Artsakh than the state of Armenia. G. The question was raised by the person who made M. a deputy in a book published 15 years ago in the family newspaper. With only one difference, there was no danger of losing Armenia at that time. Especially since the idea of handing over Artsakh to the enemy was derived from the Ter-Petrosyan vision of ensuring the good life of the “Sergojas”. Although life has shown that “Sergoja people” are able to live well in all conditions.
Anyway, let’s go back to G. to M.’s questioning. Today, the situation has changed, and it has the right to exist. by M., his entourage and a large mass of people who are indistinguishable from them and miles away from their literacy and patriotism.
But the problem is that G. Someone like M. received the rank of lieutenant general during the previous years (in 2003). They also appointed the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia (rear line). In other words, according to the logic of getting a title and appointment, G. M. had to be endowed with state and, in particular, military-political thinking. But as the quoted question shows, it is missing. Do you require justification? Please: G. M. should have realized that if we give in to Azerbaijan’s pressure and hand over Artsakh, the pressure will intensify to hand over the so-called Zangezur Corridor. And after receiving this, it will not be difficult for the enemy to cut off the entire Syunik, along with the Vayots Dzor region, from Armenia. And after that, the question of whether the state of Armenia will remain at all will be highly doubtful. But it seems
One could be satisfied with this much from the point of view of perceiving the character of the general. But the pain is that the tragic does not act alone. Due to the person clinging to the chair of the RA Prime Minister, irony is added to it. Let’s discuss with journalist G. of two small fragments of the continuation of M.’s conversation. To this, “Karelia will continue to live in fear, as we lived until 2018.” And to the other, “these authorities came and showed us who our willing and unwilling are.” I talked about the comic above. If it’s not a joke, then what is the general’s call to “live in constant fear”? Such a person should not have worn a general’s shoulder straps at one time, but at most a janitor (previously they wore a uniform). But comedy is not alone either. it is flavored with lies, by the way. Until 2018, we never lived in fear. On the contrary, we lived with a sense of dignity, especially when rebuking the enemy. That is one thing, and secondly, this government did not come and show what is what, but turned our strategic ally almost into an enemy by its behavior. Unfortunately. Because by rejecting the former, we did not improve the situation, but, on the contrary, we overthrew what was working normally and turned our acceptable life into hell. And not only did we learn “who are our like-minded people”.
H. G. National Hero of Armenia (posthumous) and Hero of Artsakh Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan (Commandos) had the rank of Major General. A man who was not only a hero on the war front, but also taught patriotism and courage to young people in peacetime. And G. Someone like M. wears the shoulder straps of a lieutenant general. Because of these and similar phenomena, it was necessary to reject the previous ones. However, rejecting them, not replacing them with someone like Nikol Pashinyan.