Susan Simonyan
It turns out that the visit of the Chief Commissioner of the Diaspora Zareh Sinanyan to Moscow in July 2019 caused great intrigues among Moscow Armenians.

It even had legal consequences, which have not ended to this day. The occasion was the scandalous correspondence shared by a Russian Internet user between Narine Davtyan, a Moscow-based woman who reveals the internal intrigues of Armenians, and Yury Navoyan, the president of the Moscow “Dialog” organization. Navoyan allegedly told the lady that he didn’t want to meet with Sinanyan in the building of the Union of Armenians of Russia, so that “that moron doesn’t feel like a leader”, to which the lady replied that she was right, she should be in the position of a leader on her own and show in every possible way that Abrahamyan and the ambassador do not decide anything, and everything is done through you.
In the correspondence, the name of Zatulin is mentioned, against whose club the authors of the letters organized actions, the Anna Hakobyan Foundation is mentioned, it is recommended to make a donation to the foundation so that the lady is attentive to them, participation in the fight against Ara Abrahamyan is mentioned, etc.
Both Navoyan and Narine Davtyan denied their involvement in these letters, claiming that the publication was fake. In our sketchy days, this story would have been quickly forgotten, as much more serious things are forgotten, but Moscow-based political scientist Mariam Hovsepyan, as an advocate of strengthening Armenian-Russian relations, wrote on her page something like the following: she would be happy if the letters were fake, but if they were real, then such “naritchkas” and “narinchkas” embarrass the “republic” with their “foolishness”. Later, Narine Davtyan applied to the court with two lawsuits for defamation and insult of business reputation, the courts of general jurisdiction of Moscow and Ararat and Vayots Dzor, probably expecting that Mariam Hovsepyan would be in Moscow and Vaik at the same time, running from one case to another. “We accidentally learned that a case is being investigated in Armenia as well.
He reminds that the procedural law does not allow two disputes on the same subject. But this is not the only irony in this case. Virabyan petitioned the RA court to dismiss the case, as it is being examined by the Moscow court. Judge Elena Kocharyan suspended it, waiting for the position of the Moscow judge. The Moscow court rejected the claim, but our judge partially satisfied it. The point is that in Moscow, the respondent managed to prove that Mariam Hovsepyan did not know Narine Davtyan and had no tendency to injure or harm her. But in the RA court, the plaintiff brought the photo of Narine Davtyan, published by Mariam at another time, as proof that Mariam knew him before that. Notary Nune Sargsyan also confirmed this. According to the respondent, this evidence is inadmissible, because according to Article 79 of the “Notary” Law, if a case is being examined in court, the notary does not have the right to provide evidence in that case, because that provision must be carried out by the court. The Ministry of Justice even imposed a disciplinary penalty on Nune Sargsyan for this violation, but the court of general jurisdiction of Ararat and Vayots Dzor marzes did not take this into account. He rejected the claim for defamation, but accepted the claim for insult, describing the words “Narchka” and “stupidity” as insults and forcing Mariam Hovsepyan to apologize and pay Davtyan 200,000 drams. however, the court of general jurisdiction of Ararat and Vayots Dzor marzes did not take this into account. He rejected the claim for defamation, but accepted the claim for insult, describing the words “Narchka” and “stupidity” as insults and forcing Mariam Hovsepyan to apologize and pay Davtyan 200,000 drams. however, the court of general jurisdiction of Ararat and Vayots Dzor marzes did not take this into account. He rejected the claim for defamation, but accepted the claim for insult, describing the words “Narchka” and “stupidity” as insults and forcing Mariam Hovsepyan to apologize and pay Davtyan 200,000 drams.
The case went to the appellate court, which rejected Mariam’s complaint, noted that Narine Davtyan is a state and public figure and has her own role, opinion and importance in society, so the words “stupidity” and “stupidity” are offensive. Now the case is in the court of cassation, and the notary’s actions, which were reported by Mariam Hovsepyan, are being investigated by the investigative department, but Mariam is not satisfied with the investigation. “Within 2 months, 3 investigators have changed, in which case the actors have changed, but the role and the goal remain the same, to acquit the citizen Narine Davtyan in every possible way,” he says. We also spoke with Narine Davtyan’s lawyer, Artur Sukiasyan. He said that his client did not authorize him to speak with media representatives. We asked to answer who is Narine Davtyan, is he a statesman? “No, he is not a statesman.” And who is maybe he is a member of a public organization? “I am not authorized to introduce him to journalists,” said the lawyer. Such passions are boiling in the once-united community of Moscow Armenians.
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