We also won in 1994, occupied lands, and humiliated, and harassed the enemy, why didn’t we continue our victory campaign? Why didn’t our soldiers move forward meter by meter in the Azerbaijani land, capturing new territories, why didn’t they capture the lost Azerbaijanis on the roads, bring them to Armenia,

and then either torture them in prisons or try them as saboteurs? Why didn’t our soldiers invade the border villages at night or at dusk, knocking on the doors of civilians and terrorizing Azerbaijani women? Why didn’t we threaten that if you don’t behave well, we will attack again and capture Kirovabad and Baku. We could not take a break for a single day, but organize a sabotage and a campaign every day, keeping the enemy in daily terror and forcing him to a peace treaty.
We could, couldn’t we, take our historical maps to the arena and declare that during the time of our Tigran the Great and Arshak the Second, those territories belonged to us and historical justice says that they should be ours again. That there was no Azerbaijani nation, nor an Azerbaijani state, that they are false nations created by the interbreeding of Arabs and Iranians, the descendants of the Urartians. Faking is falsifying, is it easier than falsifying history and reality?
Of course, fraud and violence are not characteristic of our nation, and the Armenian military could not harm Azerbaijani women or terrorize civilians. But we could, couldn’t we, advance our interests and be smart and insist that our position of the winner would be strengthened and from that position they would have to come to an agreement with us and recognize the independence of Artsakh. It turns out that after the defeat of 2020, we have a frightened and impoverished government, which is ready to make any concession, as long as there is no war and their seats are not threatened. Thus, in 1994, we had a victorious but equally defeated government, which did not need the confirmation of our victories, the independence of Artsakh, the enlargement of the Armenian territories, or the pride of the Armenians.
Perhaps that is also the reason why all Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s words and steps from our victory in 1994 until now have been against Artsakh and against Artsakh independence, against our victories and the expansion of Armenian lands. That even in the most victorious days, when the spirit of our soldiers was very high and the enemy was very poor, we were not allowed to speak from the position of the winner and to impoverish and morally break the enemy enough to achieve what we want. And even more so after this defeat. The Nikol Pashinyan-Levon Ter-Petrosyan couple is doing everything to ensure that the victory of the enemy is finally confirmed and our defeat is also perpetuated with paper-tamas, so that Armenians will never stand up again and defend their homeland, surrendering to the mercy of the enemy.
Areg Margaryan