On February 22, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh Sergey Ghazaryan had a meeting with the former Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Ara Ayvazyan and the former Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Arman Melikyan and Karen Mirzoyan. This was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

During the meeting, the interlocutors discussed the situation created as a result of the blockade of the Republic of Artsakh by Azerbaijan, the possible steps to overcome it, the current stage of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict settlement process, issues related to the enhancement of Artsakh’s subjectivity.
Sergey Ghazaryan highlighted the consolidation of political and diplomatic resources in Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora and the use of this potential for the benefit of Artsakh.
The participants of the meeting expressed their willingness to be useful to Artsakh within their professional capacities.
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