Almost all analysts agree that Nikol is a Western project. Why “almost”? there are also people who believe that Nikol is not a Western project, but a Russian one. Of course, it is a bit hard to believe, but it is possible.

Can you imagine the leadership of imperialist Russia and the Armenian Color Revolution? But what can you do if having such thoughts does not contain elements of crime? The Nicholas government does not forbid some people to assume that Asians live in Africa, for example.
Returning to the question of Nikoli being a Western project, I will put forward another related hypothesis that no one has thought of. We are talking about the ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), the Rome Statute. Chronologically, that process was preceded and simultaneously followed by one of the judges of the ICJ, the Japanese Tomoko Akane, to the President of the Russian Federation Vl. Putin and Russian children’s ombudsman M. To issue an international warrant for the arrest of Lvova-Belova. Let me answer the question “how is this possible?” Nicol’s government appealed to the Constitutional Court in December last year. The CC accepted the proceedings at the beginning of January, appointing February 14 as the day of trial. However, for some reason, he announced only on March 24 that the ICC Statute corresponds to the Constitution of our country.
After those warrants were issued, the Armenian process stopped, although the RA government had only 3 months to apply to the National Assembly. It is clear that for a long time Nicole did not know what to do in this regard. This proves that the process initiated to punish the leader of Azerbaijan actually had nothing to do with it. Especially since international criminal law experts explained that Azerbaijan has not ratified the Rome Statute. And, accordingly, it will be extremely difficult to sue the leader of that country, especially since Ilham is a reliable partner of Western countries, and the ICC is completely under their influence. The evidence of which is Ilham’s contemptuous attitude towards the decision of another international court, the UN Court of Justice, to open the Lachine Corridor.
In that case, the question arises why Nicole suddenly decided to complete the process that started in 1999. At that time, the Rome Statute was not ratified because it contradicted the Armenian legislation. Then, constitutional amendments were made twice in our country, and in 1999, according to the government, the existing contradiction was eliminated. But let’s remember that two years after the 44-day war, only Nikolenko realized that this mechanism could be used to punish Ilham. Although no episode of Nicole’s more than five-year rule shone with adequacy, this one somehow magically coincided with the process of arresting Putin. Especially since the Russian troops retreated from Kharkiv and Kherson marzes last fall. And in December, they would have managed to generate the myth that Ukrainian children were transferred to Russia against their or their parents’ will. By the way, they probably wanted to hide the shameful process of selling young Ukrainian children in Europe as human organ donors. What Western news media admitted recently.
And if we accept that in terms of the ratification of the statute, the game was organized in the West, and the idea was presented to Nikol at the necessary time, then everything falls into place. And it was not the Rome Statute that Nikolenko remembered because there are benefits in it in connection with the war crimes committed and committed against our country, as they say. In fact, there could hardly be a better excuse to ruin our country’s relationship with Russia. And that would be the locomotive that would drag the anti-Putin or, which is the same thing, the anti-Russian process. Which is successfully happening today, depriving us of the country that provides our security. Moreover, making an enemy of that country, which was our friend. And then throwing us into the arms of Turkey, the next evidence of which was Nikol’s call to the Turkish president.