Hraparak: The head of the “Restart” initiative, Davit Petrosyan, has received a new position. The infamous political activist Davit Petrosyan has recently had rapid career growth. The young man started working in the office of the Secretary of the Security Council, as Armen Grigoryan’s assistant. How the political activist got this position remains a secret, but according to our sources, at first, they tried to place him in the position of YSU Rector’s assistant, but the newly appointed rector was strongly against it, as a result, they opted for the NSC version.
This appointment is noteworthy in the fact that the statement issued today against the decision of the CSTO Council also has the signature “Restart Scientific-Educational Foundation”, it turns out that the newly appointed official strongly condemns the recent actions of the Prime Minister within the CSTO. In fact, the employee of the NSC office is against the departure of the CSTO peacekeeping troops to Kazakhstan for security reasons.
Let us remind you that Davit Petrosyan is also known for trying to throw Narek Malyan in the trash, which was prevented by the police. We tried to get a comment from Mr. Petrosyan on both his appointment and the statement he signed, but he said he was not going to answer our questions, and the NSC spokesman said he would contact us later, now is a meeting.
It is interesting what Davit Petrosyan’s immediate supervisor Armen Grigoryan thinks about that statement և Petrosyan’s position.