Surprisingly few people know these two Aliev sixes in Armenia.

Meanwhile, all the evil that Ilhamostan is doing against Armenia and Artsakh comes from these two. On the left head of the SGB, General Ali Nagiev, and on the right head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Vilayat Evazov. All abductions, murders, blockades, gunfire, and provocation at the border are planned and executed by these two. By the way, it was these two, Nagiyev and Eyvazov who organized my kidnapping in Minsk and delivery to Baku, who organized an attack on me in the Baku prison to compromise Ilham Aliyev. Are you surprised? No surprise, this is a fight between the ruling clans in Ilkhamostan, they hate each other there more than you Armenians. They did a great job of setting the fool Aliyev up with my arrest for visiting Artsakh, and my victory at the ECHR in Strasbourg and at the UN (when the Baku regime was found guilty of unlawful arrest, torture and attempted murder) brought them joy.
It was these two slaps, first of all General Nagiyev, who were behind the organization of an unsuccessful attempt on me in Riga in December 2020. And it is these two right now that are waiting for the moment to get me (and not only me, there is a whole target list) in Yerevan and it will also fail.
Looking at these two faces, you can see that they are somewhat alike. Both have virtually no neck, grown into shoulders and closely planted eyes, which give a nomadic genotype. Both of them, judging by the type, shave the overgrown eyebrows. I wondered where they came from? It turned out that both are from Nakhichevan, one from the Bebek intestine, and the other from the Abragunis intestine. Practically neighboring intestines, they are relatives there in many ways and close marriages are the norm to this day.