By Karnig Kerkonian,
SHOCKING. The final two minutes of the Committee hearing regarding #Azerbaijan‘s blockade of #NagornoKarabakh was absolutely shocking. In response to

@SenatorMenendez final question as to why she thinks #Aliyev has not unblocked the #LachinCorridor despite the 2020 Trilateral Statement, #ICJ Order & US demands, Acting Asst. Sec. Yuri Kim
@StateEUR told Sen. Menendez that she would prefer to discuss the answer to that question in “another setting”. What? Astonished, the Senator replied, asking her what in the world would be “classified” about the answer to that simple question. He asked again, visibly surprised, and then continued: “I’ll give you an unclassified answer: he [Aliyev] doesn’t want to open the Corridor because he is in the process of trying to subjugate these people [#Artsakh#Armenia|ns] by starvation . . . and subject them to his will.” Sen. Menendez concluded, while shaking his head in disappointment and disbelief: “I’ve been doing this for 31 years” and “I’m amazed sometimes at what the
@StateDept comes before this Committee and says.” Here’s the thing. Assist. Sec. Kim’s statement suggests rather plainly that there is actual knowledge within the U.S. State Department of Aliyev’s intent to ethnically cleanse Nagorno-Karabakh and, likely, actual knowledge of Aliyev’s genocidal intent. This means specific individuals within the State Department have actual knowledge of Aliyev’s intent. This is a problem: knowledge of this intent imposes upon such specific individuals an obligation not to aid and abet Aliyev’s intended plans (lest such individuals seek complicity in his actions). Sen Menendez’ “unclassified answer” is at the crux of the issue: Azerbaijan’s “integration” policy is, in fact, a subjugation policy. In this context–where Aliyev’s intent to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide is known–advocating or supporting Aliyev’s integration policy is, in fact, aiding and abetting Aliyev’s genocide policy. There is good reason Asst. Sec. Kim did not want to answer Sen. Menendez in public about what she actually thought about Aliyev’s intentions. And there is good reason why the State Department’s special envoy to the region, who has dealt directly with Aliyev, Louis Bono, was initially scheduled to appear before the Committee, then was not scheduled . . . and then avoided the hearing altogether. You see, actual knowledge is a dangerous thing. There are at least three people–
@SecBlinken, Asst. Sec. Kim, and Louis Bono–who have actual knowledge of Aliyev’s intent. Any actions by them to push for the “integration” of Artsakh Armenians into and under the authority of Aliyev–where there is known genocidal intent–would quite literally aid and abet the destruction of the Artsakh Armenians. Sure, Asst. Sec. Kim, “another setting” is a really good idea . . . .