During his visit to John Kirakosyan school in Yerevan on Tuesday, Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan gave some details about the subversion act carried out by Azerbaijan on the night of January 20, Mediamax news agency said.
The Minister said that the attack of the Azeri subversion groups was stopped by an Armenian squad of nine people.
“A squad of nine servicemen on duty threw back two special units of Azerbaijan, numbering around 30. Isn’t it heroism?” he said.
On the night of Jan. 20, Azeri units tried to infiltrate Armenian positions in northeastern (Jraberd) and southeastern (Korgan) sections of the contact line of Karabakh and Azeri troops. NKR Defense Army serviceman Armen Hovhannisyan was killed by Azeri fire while performing his military duty at the northeastern military position. An investigation is being carried out. Armen Hovhannisyan was posthumously awarded medal ‘For Courage.’