Considering the deal a national security issue, the parliament official said he knows that the arms and arms supply to be acquired under the agreement are going to be unprecedented for Armenia. Meantime he dispelled the concerns over possible threats by Azerbaijan.
“We face the urgent need to arm our military system with upgraded supplies. And I do not think we have ever had that kind of equipment. I want to remind you of the Government representative’s statement about a possible price revision in Russia; we might have to pay a more expensive price for the equipment in that case,” he said.
Thank you Russia! They seem to help us more than any other large power, including our own USA
(not including private American organizations and donors)
We are so busy worrying about ‘offending’ the barbaric, uncivilized Turks and funding them because we
have bases and NATO there. We know they are funding and arming the barbaric IS movement and look the other way.
The “war hungry to sell arms” Right wing (Republicans) in the USA will on Turkey’s
behalf demonize the Armenians as they currently are going against the Pope for telling the truth.
They’ll say Armenia is being armed by Russia as a ‘terrorist ‘ nation as Bush has listed us in the past. This will
appease Turkey and create more USA propaganda to fund arms sales against Russia and Russian distrust and Propaganda
against the west as well. Turkey is an aggressive, barbaric and self interested bully that has dreams of Ottoman Days
returning to that region. Just as Israel also is a trouble making bully in their region with abusing and bombing without mercy or concer
and then getting our loyalty, sympathy, money and arms. All this fake love for selling oil, arms and wars must stop, not only by
the USA, but by Europe, Asia etc. as they all do this. They will cause world wars if we continue to buy into their propaganda
of hating each other allowing them to steal elections and wreak havoc on us all.
The Muslim nations also don’t seem to have empathy for their own and blame the west for all of their problems.
They are all using scapegoats to prevent their own people from rising up against them and keep them hating us.
The GOP in the USA uses the same formula as Muslim nations do via FOX . Use gun loving and violent forms of religion
to separate us, promote race and class hatred, keep divided, spread falsehoods daily against
progressives and fund and steal votes to keep the corporations in power. People world wide seriously need to unite
as they did with the 99% movement. Old and young said Enough is Enough and that scared them and they squashed it.
We need this movement back again or we certainly will
suffer more very serious world hardships.
As I write this I wonder how the poor Syrians are doing. They are brutalized to death with bombed out whole villages,
cities and towns (as well as ancient historical sites).