October 7, 2013 – 17:39 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net – Absence of normal presidential elections in Azerbaijan greatly benefits the region, a member of Russia’s Civic Chamber said.
As Denis Dvornikov told PanARMENIAN.Net no politician has done as much for the independence of Artsakh as the current, (and as we all understand, the future) president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. “It’s Aliey’s military rhetoric that promotes consolidation of the Armenian and Artsakh societies. It’s Aliyev who exposes Azerbaijan as an unpredictable aggressor in the eyes of the international community, while glorifying murderers and threatening to cut a writer’s ear. It’s under Aliyev that reasonable Azeri MPs are asking their Russian colleagues in private conversation to take Karabakh under Russian patronage, citing reluctance to start a new war,” Dvornikov said.
“Were Azerbaijan to get a smarter and more manipulative leader, the latter would try to brainwash the international community and UNESCO. He’d be showcasing his peaceful intentions where Artsakh is concerned, instead of readying snipers or blacklisting people for visits to Karabakh,” Dvornkiov said.
“But none of that will happen. Aliyev will win presidential polls, thus enabling Artsakh to continue developing and succeed with its international recognition campaign,” the Russian politician said.
Azerbaijan will host presidential elections October 9, with 21 hopefuls, including Azerbaijan’s united opposition presidential candidate, Camil Hasanli, registered.