The parents and relatives of the victims of the 44-day war in Artsakh demand that the RA Prosecutor General Arthur Davtyan immediately initiate a separate criminal case, charge Nikol Pashinyan and arrest him. The same request was submitted to the Prosecutor’s Office on April 26, from where the petition was sent to the Anti-Corruption Committee to be investigated and to respond to the parents within 5 days.
Speaking on the air of 168 TV’s “Review” program about their demand and expectations to Prosecutor General Arthur Davtyan, Hayk Melikyan’s mother, Naira Melikyan, who died in the 44-day war, stressed that Nikol Pashinyan had made self-confessed speeches more than once. His speech in the National Assembly in mid-April was just a mockery, which became the basis for submitting a report to the Prosecutor’s Office.
“We have submitted a report to the Prosecutor’s Office on the massacre. “Whatever decision is made, except for Pashinyan’s arrest, we will consult with our lawyers and go to every step, starting with the network fight, until we reach his removal and punishment,” said Naira Melikyan, adding, “There was an intentional massacre.” Pashinyan’s arrest is a matter of days or months. The revolt is increasing day by day. I am sure he will resign. The question is whether he will resign voluntarily, lightening the burden of his guilt a little or not. Knowing him, I can say that it is not excluded that he will go and shed blood. ” The participant of the interview, Yeghishe Zarunts, a relative of Ruben Poghosyan, a soldier killed in the 44-day war, called on the parents and relatives of the victims, as well as all Armenian citizens to take to the streets and be demanding, joining the protests organized in the street. “There has been betrayal, there are suspicions, there are facts and information, so we call on you to join our struggle, which has nothing to do with any party, we fight for the bloodshed by our boys, shed for our homeland, which is never water It will not happen. “