Arsen Torosyan, a representative of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s close circle, former health minister, Pashinyan’s chief of staff, and currently a member of the CP faction,

Arsen Torosyan presented the new ideology of the “Civil Contract” party and the current government – pacifism. In the last year and a half, the government of Armenia relates to Azerbaijan and Turkey with the narratives of that ideology. Pacifism is translated into Armenian as pacifism, striving for peace at any cost, refusing to use force, and self-defense, because violence and murder have no justification. Only the pacifism of Arsen Torosyan and the “Civil Pact” is not ideological, but selective. In the past, they were strong patriots and belligerents, threatening war and encouraging the winner, now they are unreserved pacifists.
“Peace doesn’t really have a price, it’s priceless, like life,” wrote Arsen Torosyan, meaning that for the sake of peace, one must agree to any demands of the enemy, and fulfill any preconditions dictated by him. The enemy wants to hand over Artsakh, wants Syunik, please, wants Armenia, no problem. after all, peace has no price.
Arsen Torosyan, of course, is lying when he says that peace has no price, for him and the “Civil Agreement” the homeland has no price, and the price of peace is the government. Torosyan and the entire Pashinyan government have now become pacifists because for them the price of peace is keeping power. Torosyan understands that one more war and another defeat, he will lose the pleasure of being in power, he will lose the privilege of living at the expense of ordinary citizens’ taxes, managing public funds, and enjoying the benefits provided by the government.
Why didn’t Torosyan preach peace before the war and the disaster brought to Armenia and the Armenian people by the government he represented? He did not preach peace, because there was no need to play pacifist until the defeat. When Pashinyan was photographed against the backdrop of the 1930s of the Russian Armed Forces, the then Minister of Health Arsen Torosyan did not write about the pricelessness of life, he did not talk about the pricelessness of peace, when Pashinyan enthusiastically encouraged the Armenian soldiers and officers participating in the Tavush battles, he did not write about peace in the days of war. when Pashinyan was making military appeals and calling hundreds of thousands of people to go to the front. Why should he talk about peace at that time, if he hoped that he would keep his power on the blood and deaths of those people, that those thousands were killed and tens of thousands were wounded,
Pashinyan, Torosyan, other CP members have now become pacifists, because Aliyev threatens them with a new war, and they do not want war. They want power and are ready to fulfill any of Aliyev’s demands for the sake of that power. Azerbaijan wanted it, they gave the Goris-Kapan road, they handed over a part of the territory of Armenia without firing a shot, because for them peace has no price. Azerbaijan demands to withdraw the troops from Artsakh and leave the citizens of Artsakh defenseless, again no problem, they will do it in the shortest possible time and will present appropriate guarantees.
When Torosyan talks about the pricelessness of peace and preaches pacifism, his preaching is also aimed at the domestic audience. Torosyan sees a threat to his and CP’s power not only from Aliyev. He calls on the society to put up with the threat coming from Pashinyan. Your life is priceless, don’t risk it in the fight against Pashinyan’s dictatorship. says Torosyan. Mher Yeghiazaryan, Manvel Grigoryan, Armen Grigoryan and many other people opposed Pashinyan’s rule and were killed. According to Torosyan’s logic, they never understood that life is priceless, because if they had understood, they would not have risked their lives in the fight against the overthrow of the dictatorship.
Arsen Torosyan takes the victory of Armenia and the Armenian people in the beginning of the 90’s in quotation marks, mocking and condescending to that victory. What kind of victory was that? The victory was theirs, they were able to stay in power by sacrificing more than 4 thousand victims, handing over the country to the enemy, and destroying the state. The CP’s victory seemed really impossible, because with a few hundred people they defeated two to two and a half million people, an entire people, an entire country. And now, by the right of the winner, they manage both the territory of that country and the fate of people and people.
Avetis Babajanyan
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