We learned from the press that the Chief Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs, Zareh John Sinanyan, will be sent to the USA for half a month, from February 17 to March 2, at the expense of the state budget. He will be in Dallas, Philadelphia, Boston, New York, and Washington.

It is clear from the decision of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan that “Sinanyan will travel to the USA in order to meet with representatives of state and community structures, youth, cultural, scientific, religious organizations, and medical associations and to discuss further ways for cooperation.” Moreover, he is sent alone. There are also reports that the main purpose of sending Sinanyan to the USA is to bring investments to Armenia or at least to get promises.
Agree that a scandalous official like Sinanyan is not the most successful candidate for such a mission. Many will remember the inglorious reception he received in his native Glendale last year. Our compatriots turned the meeting with Sinanyan into a rally and even called him a traitor. Sinanyan can’t even have a quiet lunch or dinner in the restaurants of the Armenian-populated regions outside, let alone be able to negotiate to bring investments to Armenia through “business lunches”. In short, I can’t believe that Sinanyan is going to the USA for this very purpose.
There are other goals hidden under Sinanyan’s American visit, says my inner voice, and that voice, I’m sure, has no special reasons to deceive me. But even if there was no internal reminder, all the same, Pashinyan’s recent rash actions, as well as geopolitical developments and the gradual criticism of the RA authorities from allied circles suggest that something will happen in Armenia soon. It’s clear, isn’t it, that Nicole is not so “abnormal” as to think of creating a water and air patrol in these troubled times. Following Zelensky’s example, he sees very well that the circle is also tightening around him, and the time allotted to him is running out. The issue of the deputy needs to be resolved urgently, and he has no candidates among the CP-dogs. And, here, it is not excluded,
And, therefore, I do not believe Pashinyan’s “tractor” regarding Sinanyan’s business trip. I even doubt that Sinanyan is going to the USA for half a month by Pashinyan’s decision. Moreover, I do not rule out that it was the American side that demanded Sinanyan for requalification and to return him to Armenia with a new mission. Half a month is not a short time to get a candidate for the position of the head of the given country from his own agent stationed in the upper echelons of the government of any country, especially if the failed leader of that country is not against it. However, in our case, Nikol not only does not mind seeing Sinanyan as his deputy, but he will be happy if Sinanyan replaces him. Pashinyan and his team will soon need security guarantees.
I will not be surprised if in half a month the newspapers will write that Zareh Sinanyan had very valuable meetings with influential US circles and is returning to Armenia with a large sum of money. And it will begin: let’s appoint Sinanyan as the first deputy prime minister with the rights of the state minister… Artsakh, Artsakh… What should be learned from Artsakh, no elections, but a smooth transfer of power? The choice is endless, who knows what will happen to you if the bullies come to their senses and spit in your face?
Edik Andreasyan