Author: Edik Andreasyan
After the capitulation on November 9, how many times did I tell Pashinyan to pack his things and leave? Did I say it or didn’t I say it?

Did I tell him that after all this, every day of your stay will be a new capitulation for our people? And what did he do that same fall? He came and read a huge treatise in the National Assembly about the fact that not every defeat is a defeat, and not every victory is a victory. What about the people? They thought, “Can we win?” Then he came to the National Assembly and published a stupid 10-point plan for the restoration of the country’s economy and the army, saying that this is my plan. If you remember, it took several months to implement that plan. Then did I say that Nicole makes a breeze? Did I say it or didn’t I say it? Did I say, boy, the devil’s mails don’t play pranks, pack your things and go. Did you hear? A couple of Catholicos said, go. RA National Academy of Sciences said: go, RA President Armen Sargsyan said: go, intellectuals said: go, they said: you embody defeat, you are evil, we can’t get anywhere with you, go. Went: Did it go when 2021? on February 25, the General Staff of the RA Armed Forces announced that Nikol Pashinyan is a threat to our national security. Anyway, he went… He gathered the drunken, swollen, punctured supporters in the Republic Square and complained that the guys had stepped down to defend the revolution. It was a matter of minutes to drive Nikol away that day… The movement for the salvation of the motherland was able to destroy this entire junta of traitors. But Levon Ter-Petrosyan interjected that the coup is a bad thing, what will progressive humanity think about us? You didn’t have to listen to the first president. They said, “You embody defeat, you are evil, we can’t get anywhere with you, go away.” Went: Did it go when 2021? on February 25, the General Staff of the RA Armed Forces announced that Nikol Pashinyan is a threat to our national security. Anyway, he went… He gathered the drunken, swollen, punctured supporters in the Republic Square and complained that the guys had stepped down to defend the revolution. It was a matter of minutes to drive Nikol away that day… The movement for the salvation of the motherland was able to destroy this entire junta of traitors. But Levon Ter-Petrosyan interjected that the coup is a bad thing, what will progressive humanity think about us? You didn’t have to listen to the first president. They said, “You embody defeat, you are evil, we can’t get anywhere with you, go away.” Went: Did it go when 2021? on February 25, the General Staff of the RA Armed Forces announced that Nikol Pashinyan is a threat to our national security. Anyway, he went… He gathered the drunken, swollen, punctured supporters in the Republic Square and complained that the guys had stepped down to defend the revolution. It was a matter of minutes to drive Nikol away that day… The movement for the salvation of the motherland was able to destroy this entire junta of traitors. But Levon Ter-Petrosyan interjected that the coup is a bad thing, what will progressive humanity think about us? You didn’t have to listen to the first president. that Nikol Pashinyan is a threat to our national security. Anyway, he went… He gathered the drunken, swollen, punctured supporters in the Republic Square and complained that the guys had stepped down to defend the revolution. It was a matter of minutes to drive Nikol away that day… The movement for the salvation of the motherland was able to destroy this entire junta of traitors. But Levon Ter-Petrosyan interjected that the coup is a bad thing, what will progressive humanity think about us? You didn’t have to listen to the first president. that Nikol Pashinyan is a threat to our national security. Anyway, he went… He gathered the drunken, swollen, punctured supporters in the Republic Square and complained that the guys had stepped down to defend the revolution. It was a matter of minutes to drive Nikol away that day… The movement for the salvation of the motherland was able to destroy this entire junta of traitors. But Levon Ter-Petrosyan interjected that the coup is a bad thing, what will progressive humanity think about us? You didn’t have to listen to the first president. What will advanced humanity think of us? You didn’t have to listen to the first president. What will advanced humanity think of us? You didn’t have to listen to the first president.
There was just one more thing: Onik Gasparyan made a very serious mistake. 2021 The February 25 announcement was to be made after Nikol’s hands and feet were tied and his tongue cut out. And he did the opposite, at first he announced that he was coming to catch you, but he never came.
Then negotiations began with Nikol, under the condition of the latter’s departure. Those were the days when Edmon Marukyan was “convinced” that he was the most suitable candidate, because Nikol is afraid of the “Saving Armenia” movement and will only cede power to him. And Edmon’s running began. from the presidency to the government, from the government to the NA, from the NA to the presidency, from the presidency to various embassies. The issue of Nikol’s resignation was discussed with Armen Sarkissian until we reached May, and in May, Nikol announced that he was going to the extraordinary NA elections. Edmond’s enthusiasm immediately faded. Nikol had promised something, probably, and probably ordered that “Lusavore Armenia” votes be given to him in the special elections. Did I mention that LAP hardly campaigned in those elections? Did I say it or didn’t I say it? I said, that the oppositionist Edmon has put the party under Nikol and will soon receive a position in return. Did I say that Edmon tampered with the results of the Vanadzor mayor’s elections for that position? I said: Did I say that Mamikon Asdlanyan, the elected mayor of Vanadzor, ended up in prison with Edmon’s “pass”?
I will not talk long about the “Chagujov” elections. Let me just remind you that Nikoli’s participation in the election for the post of Prime Minister (it was his second election with a formal resignation), placing the state resource under the ruling party, campaigning with the Prime Minister’s cortege, swinging a baton and giving speeches in the style of “we will catch, we will build” are already proof. were that there will be no election. Mukuchyan is a witness. By the way, where is Tigran Mukuchyan? After disputing the results of those elections in the Supreme Court and giving obviously false “testimonies” in the high court, he disappeared. Where is Mukuchyan… End?… and flew away, leaving the country and the people captive in the hands of the capitulator? Nikol Pashinyan, Armen Sargsyan, Edmon Marukyan, Tigran Mukuchyan, CP-dogs, you are responsible one by one for 2021. for falsifying the results of the extraordinary elections of June 20 and taking their power from the people. Did I tell you about this? I said: Did I say that even after the stubborn elections, this government will continue to lose and capitulate? I said that too.
Well, now you tell me, which of my words didn’t come true? Did Armen Sargsyan run away? Did he run away? Did Edmon get a position? Did he get it? Did Mukuchyan get lost? Did he get lost? Was the army repaired? Of course not? no. But I’m also human, right? How much can I say and only myself hear what I say?
HG. Look carefully at the faces of the CP-dogs of the National Assembly and the government… Does it appear from their faces that one day they will stand up and expel the Azerbaijani army from the sovereign territory of Armenia? They really do not know the location of the border of Armenia. Arsenyan Gugo, Melkonyan Gago and Kocharyan Ando, Aleksanyan Vahag, do the rest of the chaguj and boat rockers inspire you with confidence, do you feel like the owner of your country next to them, do you believe that another KP-dog mayor will enter the metro station to open, do you believe anything after seeing the guard of honor around Tumanyan’s statue?
We remembered the 35th anniversary of the Artsakh movement. Messages, commemoration, new victories… What are you dreaming about? Victories do not happen once in 100 years, and only 2 years have passed since the shameful capitulation, and there are still 98 years before we can come to our senses. Have you counted which generation you left it on your shoulders? In the end, let me say one more thing: if Nikol stayed, we won’t have that generation either.
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