“All this was agreed until November 9. This idiot who says I made an unexpected decision, it was all agreed upon, “said Abraham Gasparyan, PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, during the 168TV” Review “program.
“There is a very important circumstance here. The second paragraph of point 6 of the November 9, 2010 statement states that in order to ensure the connection between Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia, a project to build a new route along the Lachin corridor must be approved within the next three years, after which Russian peacekeepers will be deployed to protect that route. From the point of view of international law, according to the RA Constitution, from the point of view of all legal norms, this point is subject to state betrayal. What does it mean that Russian peacekeepers will be redeployed to protect that route? Who did you discuss this issue with? After all, this is a border issue, խնդիր Any issue related to Armenia’s borders must be processed. In other words, you are trying to place the issue related to the borders of Armenia only within the framework of verbal agreements, just as you verbally agreed, people came and took the Goris-Kapan road, “he emphasized. Abraham Gasparyan showed on the map what a tragic situation we will find ourselves in after that. “This is Goris, from here we go to Tegh, an enlarged community, from there to Aghavno, then to Sus, Berdzor, then to Yeghtsahogh to Lisagor, then to Shushi. Now it is proposed to build a 32 km long road from Kornidzor, which comes parallel to the existing road, bypasses Aghavno, Sus-Berdzor, comes to Hin Shen, Mets Shenov, immediately joins Yeghtsahogh, from there to Lisagor, and from there under Shushi, immediately to Step : To our compatriots living in Aghavno, Sus և Berdzor, another 1915 threatens deprivation of the homeland. ” During the monitoring, Pashinyan mentioned that the residents will be provided with houses, he responded, addressing Pashinyan. “Provide yourself with a home, not in this country, you are not the owner of this homeland, or who are you in general to decide which part of the homeland should be given to whom?” The eviction of Armenians is expected in these three settlements. Did Azerbaijan ask anyone for permission while taking the Goris-Kapan road? It has now been announced that the Azerbaijani flag will be hoisted in Berdzor on July 1. Primitive information manipulation is taking place, a cat that, unfortunately, eats most of the children of our people. They say there is a year. The man threatened to put up a flag there on July 1, if he came in, there was another massacre, you could not find a way with the Russians, or they were late, who will be responsible for all this? When he was entering the Goris-Kapan highway, did he ask you if he would enter here in the same way? When we add to this the 46-kilometer road along Meghri, which is mentioned in the last paragraph of point 9 of the November 9 statement, with the agreement of the parties, will ensure the construction of new transport routes connecting the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic to the western regions of Azerbaijan. New ways, but we had old ways, didn’t we? In other words, the second stage of Armenia’s final capitulation is beginning. ” According to Abraham Gasparyan, the only way out of the current situation is consolidation. “I have said since day one that there must be a great consolidation. The ambitions of the political factions fighting in the square, to say malice towards each other, to say accounts, should not be cleared there. Now is not the time to settle accounts with each other. Of course, I understand that everyone is interested in the thesis that, let him do it, in the end we will come. Come on, the end will not come, you will not come to power. What else will he give? Is there anything left to give? Whoever defends his peace at the expense of the homeland will not come to power. For that, there must be a great scientific consolidation. Let’s get out of the thesis that, well, if we fill 300 thousand people in the square, there will be a change of government. Seriously? It will not be 300 thousand, are you a boy? Go and do it for 50 thousand. Can you, then, form the right narratives, develop the right tactical steps, develop the right strategy, playing on the same color did not work, it means you have a big playing field. I have always said that with the right, competent work, it takes a week to remove this deformity. We must work competently. ” He stressed that until 2018. Armenia was a country exporting security. “NATO used to come to you and say, ‘Long live that you are raising such officers, even if you are giving me training, which is the most organized, the most ingenious, from Afghanistan to the Balkan Peninsula.’ Who are you now? You are begging for your safety. The more you say that, the more Azerbaijan will sit in Russia’s arms and throw you out of this region. This is our reality. Consolidation is the only way out. There will be no one-actor theater, you have to go beyond that