With nearly 50 members, the Circle proves to be as active as the Friendship Parliamentary Groups of the most important.
The Circle of Friendship France-Karabakh is pleased to record the accession of eight new members: Mrs Françoise Dumas (MP Gard, PS) and Nathalie Niezon (Member of the Drôme, PS) and MM. Michel Destot (Isère MP PS), Hugues Fourage MP (Vendée, PS), François-Michel Lambert (Member of the Bouches-du-Rhône, PS), Jean Launay (MP Lot, PS), Emmanuel Mandon (Regional Advisor Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, UDI) and Bruno Le Roux (MP for Seine-Saint Denis, Chairman of the Socialist Group in the National Assembly). With these eight new members, the Friendship Circle now has 48 members.
“The enthusiasm aroused among our circle of elected officials across the political spectrum and from all regions of France attests to the correctness of the cause we defend, that of peace and democracy in the South Caucasus, but also effectiveness of our action, “stated in a joint statement Rochebloine François, President of the Circle and MM. René Rouquet and Guy Tessier, Vice-Presidents.
Many observers point out that with almost fifty members and strong political action as a complement of French diplomacy, the Circle of Friendship France-Karabakh itself as one of the most powerful tools in the service of radiation and French influence in a strategically important region.
“We welcome the support of our colleagues and particularly that close parliamentary executive. Their arrival demonstrates a better understanding of the problem karabaghiote by national political class and will allow a better consideration of the aspirations of French civil society vis-à-vis that country. The weight and credibility of France will come forth that reinforced “went further Rochebloine François, President of the Circle of Friendship.
A further supported by MM perspective. Rouquet and Teissier who stressed that “with about fifty members, the Friendship Circle is an elected representative community and can usefully work towards a better understanding of Nagorno-Karabakh, its issues and its institutions by the national government. “
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